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Status Updates posted by Guisela

  1. Thank you so much for your help, we really appreciate all the information you have given us. He says he's ready but we'll find out first thing in the morning how it went...Inshallah all will be good! :D

  2. Thank you ambermarie for the information. My hubby knows all of that so I'm hoping we'll be fine, but the only thing I didn't send to him were letters of family and friends. Is he suppose to take letters from family and friends as well?

  3. Thank you ambermarie. Yes please write more about it, would love to know what they asked him, etc., so we'll know what to expect next week. Have a wonderful day! :D

  4. Congratulations!!

  5. My habibi had his medical yesterday and all is 100% good. Now time to finish making copies of all my financial information, etc and send everything to my baby for the interview. Inshallah he will be approved!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. mcm


      congrats and good luck!

    3. morocco_usa 4ever

      morocco_usa 4ever

      best of luck at your interview tomorrow Insha'allah

    4. Guisela


      Thank you & Inshallah all will be good!

  6. My hubby called me at 3:00am this morning to tell me that he received the letter from the Consulate. Our interview is on May 16th :)))))) We're both so happy but I am now starting to get very nervous.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Guisela


      We just have luck on our side :)) I just hope we both get approved! And I hope that today's bombing doesn't provoke the Consulate to close down for a while. Inshallah it won't!

    3. Lisamarie


      Yeah I was worried about that too, but hopefully it was an isolated incident and nothing will be closed down. Insha'allah

    4. Lisamarie


      Yeah I was worried about that too, but hopefully it was an isolated incident and nothing will be closed down. Insha'allah

  7. Great! Thank you for your help. Have you guys had your interview? If so, can you tell me what to expect?

  8. Thanks for the reminder :D

  9. We got our I129F Fiance Visa approved on 3/22....whooo hooo!! We have been waiting to receive a letter from NVC. Does anyone know what's next? How long does it take for NVC to send letter and/or send our package to the Consulate?

    1. Afrikan Queen

      Afrikan Queen

      Congrats! Why not try calling NVC 603-334-0700 and speak to a real person, don't trust the automated system.

    2. Guisela


      Thank you Joyjoy for the advice. I just called them and our package was already sent to the Consulate in Morocco on April 7 :))) Now we have to call the Consulate.

  10. Yes, finally! Now if I can only figure out how to change my profile pic...lol :)

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