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Status Updates posted by cathy2904

  1. Good to see you are back here again. My ROC was approved on Monday - we filed in September - so I am feeling very relieved. Good luck with yours.

    1. Donnison2011


      I haven't been on this site for ages it seems like. Glad to hear everything is going smooth for you. I only worry about Marks Bio appt as he works offshore, which means he's home a month and then gone a full month. I will worry about that when the time comes :-)

      Hope everything else is going good for you.

    2. cathy2904


      My bio appt was scheduled for a date when we were going to be out of state. I did a walk-in appointment beforehand and had no issues; you just have to have the appointment letter. Everything else is going fine. Still having my struggles with the language (lol) and the healthcare system but I have settled very well and this really feels like home now. Hope that all is good for you two as well.

  2. Welcome to the journey!

  3. Hi there. Everything is going very well - just did my training to start as a substitute teacher so it's all falling into place. How about you? Have you settled ok? We have been to a few Meetups recently. It doesn't look like there any arranged at the moment but I am sure that will soon be rectified so I hope to meet you at one in the not too distant future. All the best. Cathy

  4. Thanks for your good wishes. One day you will look back at the point you are now and wonder why it seemed so bad. But I know how it feels right now.

  5. Congratulations on your approval!

  6. that you will return to your home country. If you have a job, take a letter from your employer to say when they are expecting you back. Maybe take your mortgage or rental agreement. Take the NOA1 so they can see you are doing it the legal way. And certainly have a return ticket.

  7. Hi there. I didn't actually try to visit my husband while the case was in progress. The last time that I visited before I was married they told me that I obviously had 'immigrant intent' and they would not let me in again as a visitor. So we got married and filed and I waited in the UK. My husband visited me instead. But plenty of people do visit - you just need to show that you wil...

  8. It's all over now and all that stress will soon be a dim and distant memory. When does he arrive?

  9. Congratulations on your approval. I'm glad you were able to resolve the issues with the medical.

  10. You have your visa!! many congratulations to you both. :)

  11. Congratulations on your approval! Great news.

  12. Just to let you know - I arrived in ATL in December and they let my husband come into the secondary processing room wit me. It was pretty quiet at the time and I don't know if they would do the same if was really busy. Good luck.

  13. Congratulations! He will be with you very soon. Things are good here. I have a part-time job in a learning center. Had to sort out a problem on my Social Security card today because they had formatted my name wrong (first and middle all running together) but I have my Georgia driving license and the first visitors from the UK are booked!

    Take care x

  14. Not long now - you must be getting very excited!

  15. Hurrah - congratulations!!

  16. Congratulations on your visa!

  17. Yay, congratulations! So pleased for you.

  18. Thanks - hope the rest of your process is a speedy one. The last bit certainly went quickly and the London interview is generally very straightforward.

  19. Yay, got my green card in the mail today!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ndungu


      Congratulation Cathy!

    3. anglosax


      Again Congrats , your success gives us more hope of living together in San Diego

      Graham & Maggie

    4. Rexnars aussie

      Rexnars aussie

      Cngratuatins!! We wish yu and yur husband a the best.... i can't wait unti i am at your stage...

  20. Woo hoo! You got an interview date - not long now!!

  21. Yes, I am here and things are going well so far. I arrived on 4th and was very surprised to receive my SSN in the mail just 8 days later as well as my welcome notice from USCIS. Hopefully that means I won't have to wait too long to receive my physical green card. Now I have to start looking for a job! ;-(

  22. Congratulations on your case complete. It feels good doesn't it? I got my interview date about 5 days later so hopefully yours won't be long coming through.

  23. Wow, that's tough. I wish you all the very best for a swift resolution.

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