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Posts posted by BESANGIN

  1. Your strength (and energy) is amazing. You are raising two children alone and still have time to sing and be happy....amazing! Your strength is inspirational! :thumbs: May your joy be everlasting!

    Kids that love and need you give you the strength to do things that were once only reserved for Superman, Wonder Woman, and Spiderman! Can't be a superhero for them unless you believe you are one for yourself. Every day that you survive, and your child is healthy and happy, then you too my sister are a member of the Justice League! LOL!!! Able to kick life's A$$ in a single bound, while keeping your heart open for the real thing since the dress rehearsal was indeed that....a rehearsal. I hope you feel what I'm sayin'. You're there!!

  2. Waz up PEEPS?! It has been a hell of a long time. How are you all doin' My life has been busy as hell, but never has it been more complete than now. I have two kids now. A son who will be 3 in January and a 6.5 month old daughter. They keep me busy, loved, needed, and on the edge of insanity! I also am finishing up my MBA which I will be graduating in May 2011, HOLLA!!!!!! And yes this time I will have my big graduation bash. I am also back in the recording studio working on a Christmas CD after a 5 year hiatus. It feels FANFREAKINTASTIC!!!! I was hoping to release it this season but it will probably be released next season. As my marriage progressed from the gates of heaven to the DEPTHS OF HELL, my passion and fire for music died. Then one day I listened to my old CD and I immediately found that passion again, and have been back in the studio for nearly 2 months now. Still no love, DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!!!! I have gone through such an emotional and physical transformation that my confidence is through the roof, and men can't come through me the way my EX did. If yo' SH!^ ain't on point, you gotta go right on past this DIVA!!!! My house and heart are drama and LOSER free. Having kids now, you just can't let a man experiment with trying to be a man, you already gotta be or won't be! I have a son who already have little girls all on his jock, 'cause the boy is beautiful, so I need a good man who can teach my son how to be a strong, good, godfearing, respectful man. Also to be an example for my daughter to pick a good man for herself. Even though either of their asses are dating 'til they're 40, and IIIIII will be picking their spouses! I saw my EX in August at a party after nearly 3 years, and it was something. He undoubtedly noticed the change in me, and I undoubtedly questioned myself, "What the HELL WAS YOUR DUMB A$$ thinking? Damn! We were cordial, but definitely no sparks, no what ifs. It felt like an EX boyfirend than Ex husband if that makes sense. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that BESANGIN still BE SANGIN' and loving my life right now. Oh, I took a break from my book to let my soul heal, so I will actually be returning to writing too over the holidays. Peace out people. If you got the number and know me like that, CALL SOMEBODY!!!!!!

  3. Mrs. J,

    I am so sorry to hear this news. I try to stay away from this site too much because it brings that anger back when I hear these stories. I have been a part of this journey before, during and after. It is very true if you let it cut you to the heart you will learn from it and be a stronger, wiser woman for it. Those who take the victim role and don't acknowledge their own errors in the situation will definitely repeat the same mistake. Life after a visa heartache, and you've been renewed is GREAT!!!!!! Outside of losing my son to an A$$hole, life has been fantastic for me. I'm not dating yet, but going through what I went through makes me very selective with who I chose to be with and eventually have interact with my son. I guess you can say I have my very own theme song... "Gold Digger" by Kanye West!!!!! "You can say I'ma gold digga ' cause I ain't messin' wit no BROKE DOWN, LYIN' A$$, CHEATIN', WEAK, HO' NIG$#@!!!!!! But back to the serious...I will tell you to do you, focus on you, and TRUST, God is gonna put a WHOOPIN' on that A$$!!!! Its a shame but I have heard with my own ears a lot of Nigeran people say that my EX coming to AMERICA and getting his greencard was from GOD!!! Well listen up DAMNIT, the God I serve does not put down another person to build up another, and SATAN gives gifts too, only his come with consequences! You sell your soul for it, you gonna burn in HELL for it. Mine sold his winkie for it 'cause that's all he brought to the table. He just didn't know that his soul was part of the deal. But hang tough, girl. You'll be using my theme song in no time.

  4. Bravo!!!!! Thank you for telling the people who you are. For all they knew I could have just known your EX. Secondly, this is a public forum, so I can post when and how I like, and as I am sure, others here would appreciate if YOU are going to ask these good people for help then tell the truth about your situation. Again, not only is it FRAUDULENT and DISREPECTFUL to ask for help and give totally false details, but this is also a forum that ALL people have access to, including consular officers, AND local adjudicators, so you can potentially attach a red flag to your own case. As far as cussing Nigerian men, no, I happen to know quite a few who are very loving, caring and HONEST men. In that regard it is true when it is said that one bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch!!!! And YES I am very negative when it comes to people trying to deceive those who are currently enduring these very difficult and trying separations while navigating through the visa process. Been there done that myself, and I have people on here whom I love dearly and do not want them mocked by anyone. As a matter of FACT I probably would not have even ventured on here for a while have I not been alerted through emails by my EX. Anyone here who knows me knows that BESANGIN will always speak the truth take it or leave it, and I always accept responsibility for mine, and if I wronged you I will apologize, but today wont be one of those days. I will say however, if I was wrong about you all not wanting to be dealing with trolls wasting your time, then on that, MY BAD. For the original poster there is no need for me to email you my phone number. For what, if all I am going to do is vent and curse you? It's all good, so work yo' sho' bro'! Good luck with your visa journey and impending wedding. Peace out people. I'll see my ace boon coons in the cafe!!!

  5. Ok if you really want help with your SITUATION, why not start off by being honest with these people. It is unforgiveable that you could come on here seeking help for yourself and not really being honest about your REAL situation. If you are playing a game then again shame on you! This process is very real, long, stressful and painful for the people going through it. They take time away from their lives to be a support and a help to others going through this process, and to mock them is REALLY LOW!!!!!! You know that better than anyone what that was like for your FORMER wife. So continue to deceive these people if you like, it will not go well for you. :angry:

  6. Hi everyone,

    I hope this is the best place to come .I am in the process of filing in a petition for my soon to be Wife who is in Nigeria right now.I am Nigerian too.Been living in America for close to 10 years now.

    I came here on a visiting Visa and later met and married another Nigerian lady but we got divorced like 6 years ago.

    My ex wife filed for me while we were still married and i got my permanent residency through my first marriage.

    Over the past 4 years, i met a nice lady whom i cared for and we both fell in love.We got engaged 3 years ago on my trip to Nigeria and i have been to Nigeria three more time to see my baby.

    We planning on getting married sometime next year and i plan to file a petition for her to join me here.

    I will like some advice on what to do , what to file, what to look out for.?.

    I know this can be a long process but all advice is needed to prepare.

    Chris :dance::star:

    :wow::wow::wow::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::ot2::ot2::ot2: GOOD LUCK!!!!!!

  7. Hey Yall!!!!

    I need some serious prayers. The little gorgeous boy in my avatar with me was taken from me by the the child welfare system. I am fighting to get him back so that I can adopt him. PLEASE, pray that all goes well and that he can come back home. I posted a big picture of us together so you can see what has kept me away all these months.


  8. Dang Dudes!!!!!!

    Yaw done got BUCKWILD since I been gone!!!!!! What's up? Motherhood ain't no punk so my butt has been busy and sleep is a premium, but when I look into the gray/green/hazel eyes of my son, it's ALL good!!!!!. Send me your email address and I'll send pics of him. Also, still tryin' to find new love. Now I gotta find a Pappy for my boys!!!! :rofl: How yaw doin'? Baby girl still tryin' to drop a load!!!!! Down 54lbs and counting and ready to wear the new wardrobe I HAD to buy. So anybody got some good leads on a good Pappy for my boys? LOL!!!!!!!! Yaw funny and I sho' miss ya'.!!!!!!! Hit me back!!!!

  9. Hello Peoples,

    I am typing this as I sit here cuddling the sweetest baby boy in the whole wide world!!! He is staring at me with pure wide trusting eyes that say, I feel safe, comfortable, and loved. My son is a month old and weighs 5lbs 7oz. He came into my life Thursday, Aug 21st. He has stolen my heart like no one ever has, and I am totally and unconditionally in love with him. It was truly God how we were brought together. I will share that story another time.

    I just wanted to send notice that my house and heart is now filled with the pitter patter of little feet. Well in his case, since he can't walk it's filled with dirty diapers!!!!! :wub::wub::jest:


    VAWA- it is called VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMAN/MAN ACT. IT GIVES IMMIGRANT ACCESS TO GREEN CARD BY MEANS OF ABUSE,. the criteria's are no access to means of communication, locked inside the house, physical and mental abuse. you need to inform USCIS as soon as possible, don't say it doesn't really matter if he stays or moves on. A record is a record, you never know what the future might bring in terms of immigration process. i'm talking from experience. it is really sad that immigrants come to U.S. and the devil suddenly put into there minds that they can do whatever they like, they believe they are more smarter, better and wise than the petitioner who labour ceaslessly night and day to bring them here (LIFE IN AMERICA IS QUICK FIX) (NOT KNOWING THAT WHAT YOU SOW YESTERDAY IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WILL REAP TODAY). they believe the petitioner is too slow and downright backward. in my own case my wife file for vawa thru a lawyer with the help of my father inlaw, yes my "father 'inlaw"". the bogus, satanic lawyer used to live in u.s before settling in nigeria. can you believe he did it for her even though he sleeps and wake up in nigeria. Satan and his cohorts have their network hidden in the system you need to know this . when my wife came in i file for employment authorization and AOS betweem april and june. She got a lawyer thru my so called "father inlaw" who has never stepped on U.S soil before to file another green card application (i-360 form) while i already file for her green card application earlier twice, first for i-130 to get green card right from nigeria and also k3 visa to get green card while living in U.S. can you imagine 3 green cards in process for the same person($1200 of waste that i could have used to buy stocks) (unbelievable, stupidity)just because of love. as the devil would have it, she filed and got her green card (10yrs) ( 2007)faster than the speed light that is how the devil works, he runs faster and shout louder than the God. the one i filed for her thru k3 process was a snail process and got approved and sent April 2008. i know you will ask me how one person will get two green card God way vs devil way vermont vs lee summit missoury chicago. so when all these blind and deaf people run into problem 10, 20 30 years after, we will sympathise not knowing that build their life on wrong foundation and motives. falsehood and deception in the past. there is a way that seems right to man the end thereof is destruction.


    Are you divorced yet? You sound like a man after my own heart. :luv: I always said that God don't like ugly! My EX is sure finding that out. He is finding out that life as a single man in the US without bank or lottery money ain't no joke! He stays BROKE!!!!! I have always been a better and more prosperous woman without him in my life, and even though he took me through emotional and financial HELL, God has truly seen me through, and is allowing me to prosper again. You too will be there again. O' girl think she has done something, but God already has her clocked, and her path set. Like Ms. Cellie say, Til you do right by me everything you do, everything you touch, and everything you think about, gon' FAIL!" Sho' is true for the EX!

  11. Girlfriend do not fret,

    If he only has a conditional green card, go immediately to your local office with a notarized letter indicating that you are revoking your petition, because #1 you believe he entered into the relationship fradulently, and #2 you are divorcing him. I was told to do that when my EX did the same thing, but my misfortune was that his sneaky A$$ had a ten year card and there was nothing I could do at that point. Well I could have, but I would have had to be underhanded like him. Don't let him beat you there to file the VAWA because that is what his A$$ is about to do to stay here. No way in HELL is trying to go back to Nigeria with nothing to show. Mine told me the same thing. He hated it here and wanted to go home, but suddenly his TRIFLIN' A$$ had his own place filled with stuff he stole from me, his own car, and cell phone. SO beat him before he beats you dear. PM me if you need to.

  12. Congratulations my sister!!!! I love hearing good news, especially BABY news. I will pray too that God blesses you with a son. With God first any relationship can me successful no matter what the circumstances, you are obvious proof of that. Thanks for being an example to us all!!!! :dance:

  13. Imnop123

    With all due respect...You, of all people should know that once you bring something up in court (here being the court of public opinion) that it is fair game. You should have known that giving info about the nature of your relationship..(the nasty s.c.a.m word)) that it would heed some negative opinions. You could have easily asked advice without divulging such personal info. I feel strongly that because u are a defense attorney..(am i right?)you make your living defending criminals or those accused of crimes, and right now you are on the case of your life and you were just laying out the facts!

    And the reason this thread keeps going is cuz u keep responding to posts, when u said you wouldnt address anything unless it pertains to your original question. Each time you share more and more personal information..and I just don't get it. It seems like you are trying to get a rise out of people...get them to continue this discussion. You have now gone into a totally different place (the black crisis in america)and seem to want to draw people in for argument. You have layed it all out like "exhibit" number 1-10!!!! Its now the prosecutors turn to cross examine. And believe me VJ'ers will anaylze this info have a rebuttal following close behind.

    Bottom line: this thread has derailed....we can keep coming back with another defense of our opinion and keep the back and forth going...or we can choose to move on unless we have anymore important information to share of the K1/K3 visa process as was asked in the first place.

    I personally enjoy intelligent debate...and am not afraid to speak my mind...but only if the OP takes the thread in that direction...and it seems u want to explore other controversial topics. So I will continue to be real in my posts....We can squash this right now...or move forward with respectful, intelligent debate.

    If you truly want this to end....u need to stop responding to the posts that go off topic.

    Peace. Love and Happiness,


    Here Here EB!!! I agree with you totally. :thumbs:

  14. I know you said that you want people to stop with the warnings, but please allow me to be hard headed for a minute. You have posted a lot of personal and intimate details on this site, and seeing as it is public and the USCIS as well as the foreign consulates have access to it, I would cease that immediately if you don't want this to possibly be a roadblock in your journey. Yes they will do and use anything to deny a petition epsecially if they smell a rat. I as well as others have found that out the hard way or shall I say the shocking way. I know you said you are being honest and have noithing to hide, so were we, but the CO's don't give a rat's A$$ about how we feel and what we say. To them we are all guilty 'til they prove us innocent. Still wishing you the best.

  15. Girl I'm good. I am doing my last week of class and I will have my degree in HAND by the middle of August. I am in deep prayer to get chosen to adopt a little 8 month old baby girl and/or a 2 year old boy. I really want the girl, but the boy has been tugging at my heartstrings too. So pray for a good outcome. The state STILL takes too DAMN long to get stuff done. In the meantime I bought a Mini Schnauzer puppy. Her name is Gita. She is so cute and bad as HELL. I gave her a sip of beer last night, and that little mug had Indy 500 in my livingroom all noght long til she put her own self to bed. I usually have to chase her to get her in her kennel at night, but last night she went on her own and slept all night too. LOL, and know I won't give my kids beer!!!!! :whistle: . Still trying to drop this weight. I'm stuck at 48 lbs lost, but I gave myself a mini challenge to lose 20lbs before summer is over. :help: STILL trying to find a good man. I guess I'm gonna have to pay someone to clone a good one or somtin'. Sister girl need some DING DING!!!!! Can I say that in this thread? :hehe: All in all everything is good. I'm still having my big graduation party, just had to push it back a a month or so because school was a lot more time consuming than I thought. Anyway your girl is still your girl and living life to the full. ALL GOOD.

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