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Posts posted by TLSJJ

  1. ok, i feel like I've been caught with my pants down here. When we arrived in the US they didn't take the sealed envelope off me which had the results from the London Medical in. I am compiling all my documents together ready for our green card interview and its asking for a I 693 form. Am I missing the point here or is another medical exam required? I've been so busy with one thing and another I just assumed that it was going to be the stuff from the UK, but now I'm not sure. Can someone please advise because Im starting to panic now!


  2. We are in Texas. The Texas DPS Driver's Lisence Divison issued my wife a temporary lisence (learner's permit) that expired on the date her I-94 expired.

    My wife had a SS Card, her passport, her Philippine birth certificate, and our marriage lisence. All of which they used and referred to. They specifically told us that once she has the EAD she will be able to get her lisence reinstated for the length of the EAD. She will not have to re-test if she has the EAD within one year.

    ** On another note our bank ignored the I-94 (for opening a new account and adding my wife to my old accounts) and used the date on her Visa.

    That's pretty much what I was told by DMV, but someone on here has said that you can take an I797C notice if the EAD doesn't come through before the I94 expires.


  3. Ok, I am confused. We filed our AOS paperwork and received notification in February of that and we have a biometrics appointment booked for next week. However today I finally got my NC driving license and the lady told me that she could only issue a temporary one because I am not a permanent resident yet, and it will only be valid until the KL visa expires. My question is how long is the AOS process going to take (roughly - I guess that may be like saying how long is a piece of string) and also is there another way to get a permanent driving license? If so what documents would you need to show? Hope that makes sense.


  4. Hi

    I've got my interview next week and it's currently snowing here, I just hope it doesn't stick and affect my travel arrangements too much! Anyway I've read a few posts about Goulds for storing bags and phones, but I'm just wondering if you are allowed to take in a hand bag at all? If not what about money/my purse?


  5. ignore what the forms say... just fill them out and return them to the embassy. everything else (I-134 plus supporting evidence, police certificate, passport photos. etc) get taken to the interview.

    to the OP and TLSJJ and anyone else confused by what to do at this stage... follow the instructions on the embassy website and not what it says on the forms

    good luck


  6. Ok, well we're on our own now with no attorney, and to be honest they've been a waste of money so I'm glad on that. The reason for my post is I'm filling out all the forms at the moment and the DS-230 is asking for address history since I was 16. Given I'm 37 now that's a lot of years. Is there anywhere I can check my address history or get a report as my memory is shot.

    Thanks in advance.

  7. N&S we have the London number now thank you so much for the below. I realise that I need to get the medical booked, but should I be waiting or contacting anyone else or can I just go ahead and book it?

    Thanks again

    Just to give you a little more detail than the post above as you have handed the process to your lawyer:

    If you have received a copy of your NOA 1 or 2 it should have your case number on it (starting with EAC). You can use this number to call the NVC on 1-603-334-0700 to check if your case file has already passed on to the London embassy and while you are there you can ask them for your London case number (starting with LND) - depending on how busy the NVC is they might take a little while to process incoming files - when it was my turn I was told to wait 15 business days but they were faster than that. If they have already sent your file to London the beneficiary should hear from the embassy relatively shortly - although the documents aren't logged straight away, so again it depends on the current workload.

    With the London case number you can also go ahead and book the doctor's appointment at Knightbridge 020 7486 7822 but make sure your case is logged in London before your medical results come in (about 4-5 days after the appointment) as otherwise the results might get lost. The UK fiance should also already start gathering the other documents required for the interview (I'm not sure how it works with a lawyer but as the documents will have to be presented at the interview I would hope the lawyer doesn't make you send them to their office first.). A list of the required docs can be found from the London embassy page:


    You or your lawyer will be sending "packet 3" (consisting of all the DS documents on the above page) and again it will take London a little while to log those documents - mine took about 2 weeks if I remember correctly. Once London confirms receipt of those documents and your medical results you will be marked "interview ready" and should receive a letter with the appointment date shortly. Only in extreme circumstances I would call the London embassy on the premium rate number - DOS 1-202-663-1225 (option 1 then 0) has access to the same database and can tell you at much cheaper rate, where you are up to but you will need your London case number first.

    Good luck with your VJ!

  8. Waiting about a month to get anything further is not unusual. You should receive a letter soon telling you your case has been forwarded to the embassy. It took us about 1 month for this to happen (US - California to Vancouver). It might take a bit longer from the US to UK.

    In the meantime you should begin preparing for your fiance's interview.

    http://www.visajourney.com/content/k1guide --- scroll down to "What to do once your petition is approved." and also look up the different packets on your embassy's website.

    Thank you that's all I wanted to know!

  9. We received our approval via email from USCIS and now waiting for the hardcopy in the mail.

    As far as i know USCIS will forward the approved petition to NVC. So, I guess yours is in the NVC.

    Although I read that it takes 2-3 weeks or more to know the status in NVC, i still tried my luck and send them an email.

    I suggest you send NVC an email inquiring about your case.

    f you have specific questions about a case, please contact the NVC.

    By E-mail

    The NVC’s e-mail address is NVCINQUIRY@state.gov.

    E-mail is the NVC’s preferred method of communication.

    Note: Use your personal e-mail account to contact the NVC. If you click on the email address above and your computer does not automatically connect to your personal email, copy and paste the above e-mail address into an e-mail using your personal e-mail account.

    In order to ensure a prompt response:

    * Enter your NVC Case Number in the Subject Line of the e-mail.

    * Provide the applicant’s name and date of birth and the petitioner’s name and date of birth.

    * If you are an attorney, include the name of the law office requesting the information.

    * If the petition is employment-based, include the employer's company/organization name.

    * Ask about only one case per e-mail.

    In my case, NVC replied like this:

    Dear Sir/Madam:

    Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC).

    Please be advised that the National Visa Center (NVC) has received your

    inquiry. Unfortunately, we do not have any record of receiving your

    petition. If your petition was approved more than 15 days ago, please

    email a scanned copy of your I-797 or I-171 Notice of Action - Approval

    Notice to NVCResearch@state.gov. Please type the receipt number in the

    subject line of your email and include one attachment/case per email. We

    will contact U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on your

    behalf to locate your petition.

    If you received the form I-797 or I-171 Notice of Action - Approval

    Notice indicating that your petition has been retained by USCIS, or

    another type of the Notice of Action that is not an Approval notice,

    please contact USCIS at 800-375-5283 or visit their web site at

    www.uscis.gov for additional information.



    National Visa Center

    Written Inquiry Unit

    Serco Inc.

    Support Contractor


    Hope this helps. :)

    Thank you this helps

  10. We filed in May and were approved In September (NOA2). 5 months to the day. Now I don't know where the paper work is. It's been a month and we've not heard anything. I am assuming it's on it's way to London but when I've called the premium number as given by the lawyer, who deals with immigration law, then they have no record of it. How long before we hear something for the next stage.

    I have a child from a previous marriage which is why we used a lawyer. My ex is hardly a standing citizen and rather than miss anything we wanted to go down the professional for that reason only. Hopefully that will not appear to be UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES. As for any other reason why we used a lawyer I don't think that is relevant to my question.

  11. There are no UNUSUAl CIRCUMSTANCES to our case as you put it GringoD. I turned to this forum before we even filed in the hope of some answers. Our attorney is a big law firm and they are proving not very helpful. Where my fiancé lives however we did not have a lot of choice in terms of appointing someone. We are being fobbed off by them by being told to wait and be patient and I don't believe that is the answer, which is why I am asking others for their advice. if you do not have anything to useful to contribute then please don't bother adding a reply as it's most UNHELPFUL.

    N&S this is most helpful and thank you so much, I will call the number as we have the EAC number and see if I can get some results. I'm at a loss the attorney just tells us to wait a month, which we have and we've not heard anything back. I just want to know what is a normal and acceptable time frame to wait without starting to worry.

  12. Hi

    We filed our notice for an I129F which was received on the 3rd May. We received a notice of approval on the 30 September. We've not heard anything. We're doing this via an attorney in the States. They don't know anything. I've called the premium rate number and they haven't got a record of our case. I don't know what to do. It's bad enough that our lives are up in the air but I don't know where our paperwork is or where we are at.

    Any ideas?

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