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Posts posted by PrncWill_PrnsElsa

  1. Is there any idea of how long after the interview before you get the visa and can travel?

    According to one webpage I saw with info about the JHB cousulate; it stated "same day visa issued = yes".

    Upon a successful interview, does the beneficiary get the visa THE SAME DAY as the interview there in JHB?


    I got the answer... same-day approval, YES. Same day visa issueance, NO. It takes 3-4 working days to issue the visa if it is approved.

  2. Thank you!

    Line 22 has an amount higher than the poverty line - so that's GREAT!

    Because he is self employed, he sent me a letter from the person he does work for (he's like a sub contractor) and then he sent me copies of his last two cheques he received - because he does not have paystubs being a self employed person... will this be okay?

    Is there any idea of how long after the interview before you get the visa and can travel?

    According to one webpage I saw with info about the JHB cousulate; it stated "same day visa issued = yes".

    Upon a successful interview, does the beneficiary get the visa THE SAME DAY as the interview there in JHB?


  3. This is SUCH a deep post. It really touched my heart.

    I feel very priviledged that you would share this with us. Your life, your thoughts...deep stuff here.

    I have to say, the first thing that comes to my mind, is that it is heart-breaking to hear that my country, the USA, is not the beacon of opportunity to ALL that it once was. Perhaps life for an immigrant was always this challenging and my nostalgia is misguided, but I digress.

    You are right about the fact this process is a HUGE challenge to a relationship.. forget about the waiting. Having to SPEND crazy amounts of money to see each other.. the plane tix, the hotels, the visit visa costs for the "meeting" countries, THE PHONE BILLS... (OMG: one month I spent 500.00 USD because I didn't realize how much it cost me to call direct from my cell phone). However, God blessed me with the finances to endure.

    We just received NOA2 this week... after 4 months and 18 days.. INCREDIBLY BLESSED *and from VSC*.. WOW! Sadly, though, that's just the 1/2 way point. I think we'll be okay. But, the money and resources have depleted; significantly. That said, we are both determined, and have discussed our future IN DETAIL, and if God wants us together, it is our belief He will provide; just like He has been. I don't mean to get all "evangelical" here.. I just want to praise my God for what He has done, publicly. But again.. I digress.

    Thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your life. You are wise... beyond your years.. cuz you sound about 23. Even if you are older, you are wise to think ahead to the day-to-day challenges that can chisel away at the harmony of relationship.

    I wish you the best.. I hope in the end, you get what is the best thing for you and your fiance.

    All the best!

  4. Dear jamie and Shane,

    The petitioner recieves an e-mail from the JHB or CPT consulate with packet 3 instructions. Provided he has unabridged Birth certificate and police clearance and medical he can schedule an appointment as soon as he has all of those things described in packet 3. Scan and email packet 3 and send it to the email address provided in the initial instructions sent to the petitioner. At the bottom of the packet of instructions you will see an admin helper. Phone this number and they should send you an email in a couple of hours giving you your interview date. It worked for me and they are pretty cool.

    Good Luck

    Shelby and Julie

    Can you please share explicitly, what is "all of those things described in packet 3". This could make a world of difference to lots of people, including myself.. so thank you, in advance.


  5. Does anyone know (actually have experience) with the consulate in Johannesburg in regards to interview date? Approx how long was it for you to receive your interview date, packets, etc? My hubby to be is here in USA with me, we JUST received our NOA2 (15 Apr) and trying to figure out how quickly we should book his flight back to SA. He's here on valid tourist visa waiting and helping with our 5 1/2 month old son. We'd like him to stay here as long as possible then be in SA as short as possible (so much to ask for, I know :P )

    If anyone has any input, guidance or direction they can provide it would be MOST apprecaited!

    Thank you all in advance!!

    Jamie and Shane

    Hi guys... this post is invaluable to me and my fiance. So, thank you for bringing these items involving the JNB interview to the forefront. Also, I had another question. Is your fiance here on a b2 visa? the regular visa..? What was his POE? What questions was he asked and how did he answer those? As we all know, it's a delicate process to able to come-in for a visit to the USA during the process of a pending K1. See, I am OUT OF MONEY for fancy (albeit fun..) European trips and if my fiance could come to the US for a few weeks while NOA2 "arrives", then she could go back for the interview, get the visa and come back permanently. Not to mention, we could plan our wedding while she is here visiting, with more advance than just 90 days!!

    Thank you,

    PW+PE :-)

  6. as far as i know,Phillipinos as a whole are religious people,and you can only have religious ceremonies when traditionally its not considered marriage through local point of view.

    they preview each file specifically with the traditions of each country in mind in the embassy stage

    So, what are you saying... these people could NOT have JUST a religious ceremony? That by doing ONLY a religious ceremony they could be denied their K-1 visa?

    Or.. is this just your opinion?

    Thanks.. just trying to learn.

  7. Vermont always approves a load of petitions at the end of the month.

    If you look back over the last 5 or 6 years, VSC always goes through stages of 2-3 month approvals and then 5-6 month approvals. Everyones been through either the bad or the good in the past and i dare say theyve tried tweeting ect but the truth of it is that they waited and their noa2 came.

    Yes some people have contacte dtheir senators and got their noa2 a week later, but they were over the 6 month mark.

    If it helps you to get through the process by tweeting ect then fair play, but i dare say your 'noise' will be falling on deaf ears, just like it has those over the past 6 years who have tried the same.

    Good Luck

    Hello.. you seem to be well-studied in this process. So, may I please ask: when is the end of the latest "5-6 month" processing cycle? IOW, when do you think the cycle will go back to a 2-3 month turn-around?

    Thank you!


  8. K1Vermonters... where have you been?

    We had such great momentum, and I know that life happens. Myself, I celebrated my birthday with my South African Princess in Munich, Germany. However, we need to re-charge and re-focus.

    Let's get back on Twitter and make some more noise!

    For those of you who think one person can't make a difference, read about the folks on here that have contacted their Senator and then received their K1 NOA2 in one-weeks-time.... YEAH!

    Let's get back on Twitter and make some more noise!

    Do you really want to wait until you are 5 to 6 months into this process.. frustrated... broke from travel visits... and also have your relationship affected and strained by this RIDICULOUSLY SLOW and INEFFICIENT backlog at VSC?

    I know I don't.

    Please join me.

    I challenge everyone to Tweet 100 times by Sunday at midnight... no re-Tweets... TrueTweets ;-)

    K1VERMONTERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Today is exactly one month from the date on my receipt that they received my K-1 packet. While Im very much under the stated time frame I don't want to be in some of you guys shoes 6 months from now so Im in on the tweeting


    However, Ive never used twitter, is there anyone who can point out a decent beginning tutorial on how it works so I can begin to help you guys?


    Here's a killer TUTORIAL


    welcome to the K1Vermonters!

  10. Thanks to everyone who's signing and continue to recruit. We already have 70 signatures in one day and half of those are not from VJ. We shouldn't have any problem with the people just here of reaching a 1000 in a month. Thank you and continue to support. Also, let's continue to tweet, and tomorrow is the beginning of a new week. Let's send in enough notices to those in power to let them know that we start working on Monday, and it's a good week to begin on the Vermont Backlog!

    Just an FYI.. you SO triple ROCK for creating that Petition!

    My b-day is thursday and I'm going ask that all my FB friends sign that petition as a b-day gift :-)

    BTW.. I think I might be violating some twitter rules or something.. because when I create Tweets in quick succession, they get posted to MY page, but they don't get posted to OUR K1Verrmonters page.

    any ideas..?


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