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Posts posted by TimAndRitchel

  1. We finally have the K1 in hand and I booked tickets for her to fly here next Friday, 6/3. It took us a little longer than some and less than others but we are nearing the end of the process. I really hope we can all keep in touch through VJ and see how each other fares over time.

    I just want to to all y'all, y'all are are a great group of people! (How's that for A Southern US phrase?)

    Let's keep in touch.

    Tim and Ritchel in Tuscaloosa, Al

  2. Ritchel passed her medical in Manila and got her immunizations yesterday. Her arms are sore and she's tired but we are getting close to the interview.

    The interview is scheduled for 5/19 at 7:00PM. Does anybody know how hard it is to reschedule for an earlier date or time?

    With luck she might be here for her birthday on 6/9.

    I hope everyone else is doing well.

    Tim in Tuscaloosa

  3. I am so happy for you! It was a really long wait for you but now the longest wait is over. I wish you luck and happiness!


    WE GOT OUR NOA2 today !!!! After 216 days, its relly here. Put in a service request on the 31st and just got the email today that we were approuved. I dont know if the service request even went through but hey W/E haha.

    Thanks to all for your help in times of need

    Also Ill pray for those of you who are still waiting to get a speedy and positive result.

  4. I posted this in the September VSC group too.

    Ours was approved this morning. I was just about to call for a service request and got the text message.

    Last night I went through all the cases listed on VJ for late August and September and culled the ones that I thought were probably not being used. There were several that had the last activity date the same as the day created so I tossed those. Others had not had activity in a few to several months. Things like that. It reduced the list for September by quite a bit. That means that the ones that are waiting probably have a bigger chance of approval that it first appears. So my conclusion last night was that we should all hear something soon.

    I did not go through all the October cases but did do some through the first part of the month and there were some to be dropped there too. It was a time consuming task but I at least felt like I was doing something to get a better picture of what was happening.

    What I did was bring up Igor's list, picked VSC, all cases, pasted it directly into Excel, sorted the data, went to September and started going through each case listed under imigration timelines - visa display options - view K1 visas. Each one when brought up shows date created and last activity date.

    This is just my guess, but it seems logical. The smaller the actual pool, the better the chances of being picked. Of course extenuating circumstances could change the waiting time but it's not likely for all cases.

    Tim and Ritchel

    Tuscaloosa, AL

  5. Ours was approved this morning. I was just about to call for a service request and got the text message.

    Last night I went through all the cases listed on VJ for late August and September and culled the ones that I thought were probably not being used. There were several that had the last activity date the same as the day created so I tossed those. Others had not had activity in a few to several months. Things like that. It reduced the list for September by quite a bit. That means that the ones that are waiting probably have a bigger chance of approval that it first appears. So my conclusion last night was that we should all hear something soon.

    I did not go through all the October cases but did do some through the first part of the month and there were some to be dropped there too. It was a time consuming task but I at least felt like I was doing something to get a better picture of what was happening.

    What I did was bring up Igor's list, picked VSC, all cases, pasted it directly into Excel, sorted the data, went to September and started going through each case listed under imigration timelines - visa display options - view K1 visas. Each one when brought up shows date created and last activity date.

    This is just my guess, but it seems logical. The smaller the actual pool, the better the chances of being picked. Of course extenuating circumstances could change the waiting time but it's not likely for all cases.

    Tim and Ritchel

    Tuscaloosa, AL

  6. I posted this in the September VSC group too.

    Ours was approved this morning. I was just about to call for a service request and got the text message.

    Last night I went through all the cases listed on VJ for late August and September and culled the ones that I thought were probably not being used. There were several that had the last activity date the same as the day created so I tossed those. Others had not had activity in a few to several months. Things like that. It reduced the list for September by quite a bit. That means that the ones that are waiting probably have a bigger chance of approval that it first appears. So my conclusion last night was that we should all hear something soon.

    I did not go through all the October cases but did do some through the first part of the month and there were some to be dropped there too. It was a time consuming task but I at least felt like I was doing something to get a better picture of what was happening.

    What I did was bring up Igor's list, picked VSC, all cases, pasted it directly into Excel, sorted the data, went to September and started going through each case listed under imigration timelines - visa display options - view K1 visas. Each one when brought up shows date created and last activity date.

    This is just my guess, but it seems logical. The smaller the actual pool, the better the chances of being picked. Of course extenuating circumstances could change the waiting time but it's not likely for all cases.

    Tim and Ritchel

    Tuscaloosa, AL

  7. Ours was approved this morning. I was just about to call for a service request and got the text message.

    Last night I went through all the cases listed on VJ for late August and September and culled the ones that I thought were probably not being used. There were several that had the last activity date the same as the day created so I tossed those. Others had not had activity in a few to several months. Things like that. It reduced the list for September by quite a bit. That means that the ones that are waiting probably have a bigger chance of approval that it first appears. So my conclusion last night was that we should all hear something soon.

    This is just my guess, but it seems logical. The smaller the actual pool, the better the chances of being picked.

    We were at about six and a half months.

    So hang in there. I really know your pain.

    Tim in Tuscaloosa

  8. Let me clarify. I've been drinking 4 or 5 beers a night which is a lot for me. I don't fuss at her but rather fuss at other people in my life; my daughter, coworkers, etc. And I cuss people on the road when I am driving. I don't fuss at Ritchel. I am very suportive of her and try to comfort her when she cries. The whole waiting process is just geting to me right now. As well as it is getting to her.

    Monday I will call and try to get something done to expidite our application.

    I am so sorry if people took what I said in the earlier post the wrong way.

  9. True. But it is more than most. I also have an old secret security clearance but don't think it does me much good with the process. It still depends on manpower and timing.

    But on the other hand, government people don't think in terms of making money for the government. To them it's still just a job and they have to do what needs to be done when it has to be done. They are constrained by the workload and hours they are allowed to work. It's a different mindset. So I stick with my original thought of it being the luck of the draw.

    Your TWIC CARD Don't Mean Anything. I have one too. It's still a process. These are Goverment Institutions that are business of making money. As a Tax-Payer you should know that. USCIS and Homeland Security are NOT Non-Profit Organizations to my knowledge.

  10. Nice theory, but I have to disagree. I have a clean record and recent approval by the FBI for a TWIC card which means a background check and fingerprints. My fiancee has a clean record and proof was supplied with the application.

    So I think it just falls once again into the luck category.

    It all varies on many factors that we know and many that we can only guess at.

    The hardest part of all this is actually getting your petition in the hands of a living person and not shoved in a box in storage.

    Clean backgrounds/no previous applications etc makes it go faster of course. I mean, about a month before my NOA2, the FBI and other government agencies just finished a 6+ month background investigation on myself and my fiancee due to my current job, so I am sure when USCIS searched my name (and possibly NVC as they do it sometimes), it showed said investigation and the "Cleared" by it. So it was very easy to see that I was clean and so was my fiancee.

    But in the end, it's the part where you need an actual person to get your file that takes forever.

  11. Using the same logic everyone has a right to complain. Including those that have a problem with the short term complainers.

    But I understand what you are saying. I hate to admit it but I've been grumpy about everything since we hit 6 months Monday. So take whatever I say with a grain of salt. Neither one of us has slept well since that day. I also find myself having more road rage going to work and we don't have any bad traffic in Tuscaloosa. Heck, sometimes when it rains I get grumpy because it's wet and messy. But I am getting grumpy when the sun shines too because it's bright and hurts my eyes. I am not normally that way but the wait is really grinding on me now.

    So apologies to anyone I may have offended. But we all need to take a look at things realisticly.


    In my opinion, EVERYONE has a right to complain or vent their frustrations. It shouldn't matter if they just filed yesterday or have been waiting 6+ months. Look at it from this perspective... (in this example both couples have lived apart during the entire relationship)

    Couple A: Met for the first time 7 months ago, filed 5 months ago, still waiting

    Couple B: Met for the first time 3 years ago, filed 1 week ago (couldn't file sooner, because of several reasons), still waiting

    Get my drift?? Just because someone has filed a short time ago, doesn't mean they have less of a right to complain/vent than someone else.

    This comes from a non filer, hoping to be one some day.

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