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Posts posted by Juliaa

  1. I am kind of in the same situation. I went to the U.S. with my parents for the first time when I was 8. I had a tourist visa, and I kept going back and forth every 6 months. I was going to school in the U.S. Once my visa expired, I overstayed my visa. I turned 18 in July 2009, and started my senior year. After I graduated, I came back to Romania. I married my boyfriend of 2 years here in Romania this past January but he went back to the U.S. because he is a college student and can't just give up on his education and everything. He doesn't speak Romanian so the possibility of him coming to live here is out of the question. My CR1 visa was denied due to my overstay of one year and 6 days. They told me I have to file a waiver. The problem is that these waivers require a lawyer which costs over $ 4000. My husband and I can't afford one. Does anyone know a different way to approach this? PLEASE HELP. I'm literally desperate :(

  2. Buna tuturor!

    Am si eu o intrebare. Am citit toate 37 de pagini, dar totusi sunt putin confused. Am primit NOA2 pe 31 Mai dar acum nu stiu sigur ce trebuie sa fac pentru NVC.

    Stiu ca am nevoie de:

    -DS-3032 completed + signed by beneficiary (me)

    -DS-230 completed (only part I signed by me)

    -certificat de nastere original + traducere si copie legalizata

    -certificat de casatorie original + traducere si copie legalizata

    -cazier original + traducere si copie legalizata

    -4 poze pt pasaport

    -copie dupa prima pagina din pasaport

    deci toate astea le trimit sotului meu in State? si restul le face el? Adica I-864?

    Please help , I don't want to do this wrong :(

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