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Status Replies posted by Mr.Kittles

  1. ; INTERVIEW IS AUGUST 2nd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Mr.Kittles


      congrats channah :) you're almost done. the interview is piece of cake - no need to be nervous. the whole thing takes just a few minutes and it will be even faster when your hubby-to-be will join the appointment :), but the waiting time is long :) happy for you!! enjoy the last days in Holland :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. ; how long does it actually take to receive Packet 4 after sending back Packet3 ?? It can't go fast enough,, lol!!

    1. Mr.Kittles


      als je via new york JFK naar de VS komt kan je de EAD van de immigratie krijgen. het is de enige POE die de EAD uitreikt. je krijgt dan van een officer een "employment authorized" stamp op je I-94 card, en dan mag je 90 dagen werken (dus voor de geldigheid van het visum). het was puur toeval dat ik via JFK naar de VS kwam...anders kost de EAD $380. het is het wel waard als je al werk hebt. heb meteen mijn social security number aangevraagd en nu wacht ik ongeduldig op de eerste s...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. ; how long does it actually take to receive Packet 4 after sending back Packet3 ?? It can't go fast enough,, lol!!

    1. Mr.Kittles


      eindelijk weer thuis haha :) wij gaan 28 augustus trouwen, dus nog een beetje tijd. ik heb je het POE verhaal gemaild ;). helemaal geen probleem en snel. SSN heb ik vandaag aangevraagd, en in juli geef ik les op de kunstacademie :) life is good!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. ; how long does it actually take to receive Packet 4 after sending back Packet3 ?? It can't go fast enough,, lol!!

    1. Mr.Kittles


      in Holland? 5 days to a week. don't freak out, the guys are fast :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. ; Received Packag 3 today!!!! And I sent it back - priority mail (lol)- back to the US Consulate in Amsterdam. Omg!! Today is exact 2 weeks since NOA2 and sending back package 3.. can you believe this?? You probably can, but I can't!! =) w000000t.. now I have to wait for package 4 with INTERVIEW DATE!! :))))

    1. Mr.Kittles


      yaaay so cool :) ik zit nu in duitsland. nog even frieden bezoeken en zondag naar new york!! cool dat je pack 3 al klaar hebt. nu gaat alles zo snel :)

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. ; just called NVC to ask if they received our petition, and they did this morning!! woohoooh.. they will forward it to US Consulate Amsterdam within a few days.. yessss!!! So, that means Amsterdam will receive it next week... I am soooo H to tha APPY =))

    1. Mr.Kittles


      I just came back from amsterdam consulate - approved :). I'll get my visa within 5 days :D

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  7. ; Almost 7 months since NOA1... I'm starting to lose hope :((((

    1. Mr.Kittles


      expedite request ist for army members, especially if they are about to be deployed. did you call the congressman and/or senator?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  8. ; Almost 7 months since NOA1... I'm starting to lose hope :((((

    1. Mr.Kittles


      news from amsterdam:

      today I received pack 4 with the interview date....I'm scheduled for 23 june. I know I shouldn't be worried because the end of the visa journey is coming closer, but one more month of just hanging round and doing nothing :(

      I thought I might be able to leave by mid june - and now it will be july and very expensive due to holiday season ....

      how are things going? did you get any news??

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  9. Another week again hope to hear good news this week on our case we are 5 months and 11 days now!!! Lord, each hour is yours... not mine. Whatever happens, I TRUST You completely.

    1. Mr.Kittles


      it's going to be fast now :) we waited 180 days. I think the average time at VSC is about 6 months at the moment, so you are next in line!! just a few more days.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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