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Status Updates posted by CDJ & LWP

  1. AOS transferred to California Service Center 5/15/2012. Guess that means no interview.

  2. Thank you. Finally, visa in hand and flight booked.

  3. Shipment at DHL awaiting pickup. Left Kingston this a.m.

  4. Nothing yet. Patience in truly being tested. It's one of those things that you have no control of so you do what you need to to get though.

  5. One week down. Waiting patiently.

  6. Visa yet? Watching your comments so I can get an idea of how long it might take ours. I've pushed some of my scheduled vacation back a couple of weeks hoping to have some time to spend together when he arrives.

  7. Thanks everyone. Couldn't have done without VJ.

  8. Well, here we go again. Second times the charm. 10 days till our interview. I miss my baby so much. I haven't been to Jamaica since May. Can't get time off now because of system changes we're doing. I pray that we can put an end to this distance.

  9. I'm sorry. Hang in there.

  10. I looked at some earlier posts on vj and it seems that as long as the case is active it will automatically be extended. I've sent an email to the embassy inquiring. We'll see. I was hoping he would be here for Thanksgiving everyone one would be here but Christmas would be wonderful too.

  11. Yes. About 7 weeks. Most interviews are sceduled 4 weeks out. Will try to extend expiration day.

  12. Fiance forgot pink receipt from bank for visa fee paid so interview had to be rescheduled. Just got new date. Nov. 23, twelve days after my petition approval expires. Not sure what to do from here. Really disappointed.

  13. Nine days till our interview!!! Hooray!!!!

  14. Spoke with DOS today. They said that petition was received ant packet 3 went out July 25. Journey continues....

  15. Just waiting. Not sure how to determine when petition is received in Kingston so I will wait patiently until packet received in mail. This is the downhill stretch now...I can do it.

  16. Much thanks for the congrats. Getting ready for the next mile. Couldn't have done it so far without VJ.

  17. The beginning of month 3!!!! Yeahhhhhhhh!

  18. My packet was delivered March 11. I will keep you informed.

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