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Posts posted by gna781

  1. hello everyone...

    I had a question ... I am awaiting response on my removal of conditions application and have been crossing with my expired GC and notice letter of extension on residency. the BP officers have not given me any trouble at all but I have a couple concerns and questions:

    1) can I apply for SENTRI while awaiting for my approval on removal of conditions? after all my residency has been extended...

    2) my little step sister (13 years old)is a US citizen by birth and also the reason why I will be needing a SENTRI pass...our dad passed away and her mom cannot get a visa (unpaid medical bills from my sisters birth) and we want to enroll her in school here in the states me and my husband would take her to school everyday my husband hates crossing to Mexico so I would pick her up and cross her with me everyday and my husband would just drop her off at the line... I would more then likely stay some nights at their house (step mom and step sisters house) but I'm concerned it will look like I love there and I know PR cannot live outside the US. I would love to just have my little sister come live with me and my husband but her mom won't allow it :/

    anyway does anyone know if I guess you can get SENTRI while pending application?

    and will BP officer make a big deal of me crossing so much ??

    right now I'm crossing a lot because I have to be babysitting her and our other little sister (4yo) basically every night since their mom works at night .

    BTW we live in border cities obviously :)

    thanks for any help! I'm a filer of this time period as well :) I already went to my biometrics appointment and am just waiting to hear back :)

  2. So me and my hubby's interview was yesterday and I wouldnt even call it and interview really. We got approved on the spot. Walked in the IO's office, swore in, sat down, he looked through all the paperwork, asked me the YES/NO questions on the I485 and stamped everything Approved. I actually kinda thought it was a joke for a second he didnt even ask us anything about ourselves! He typed some stuff into his computer and printed out an approved notice addressed to me and said "Ok I'll take your visa, EAD, and I94 because you dont need them anymore since as of today you are a resident" He was a really quiet guy and the only kind of conversation he made with us was a comment he made about my picture on my Visitors visa. I was 8 years old in the visa picture with my face scrunched up and pouting like a little grumpy kid :sleepy:. He let out a big laugh when he saw it and said now isnt that the cutest thing you've ever seen! and my husband told him that that was his favorite picture of me and i still look like that every morning when i wake up :blush: . and he just said that is too funny! He handed me the approval notice letter, shook hands said thank you and we were on our way out. IT TOOK A TOTAL OF 6 MINUTES!!

    I have to say that if it wasnt because of Visa Journey I probably wouldnt have even gotten this far though! I went through some tough things within the time of arriving in the US and the support I got from everyone on here really helped me get though it all :content:

    So thank you everyone who has helped!!

  3. When I went to my first interview they asked me very little.... I don't think you should worry unless ur marriage isn't legit .... Because from what I've heard hey do investigate n they might ask u for pictures but then again they might not.... Good luck to both of u

    thanks this makes me feel a lot better :) i think its understandable we dont have a lot since we are young and kinda broke right now :S we're barely getting started. Thanks again! :)

  4. Hi everyone,

    I know this question is asked numerous times on here and I will be a repeat offender of this but just thought I'd ask again :S

    Me and my husbad have out interview coming up this Wednesday and I am wondering what kind of questions we should expect...

    A little about us:

    My husband (USC) and I got married last year in July so I realize if approved my GC will be valid for two years. We are both 19 yearls old. I am currently out of status I came here on tourist visa and I94.

    We are currently renting out a room at my sisters house so all we really have for proof of a bonafide marriage is our Room Rental Lease and a couple joint bank accounts.

    The only problem with the bank accounts are that the statements were coming in with his name only...(not sure why)so we have a letter from the bank saying we have the joint bank accounts.

    Im not sure if that will be a problem. Also, my husband is EXTREMELY camara shy so we have like maybe 5 pictures together on my cell phone and they are blurry crapy quality.

    We wanted our wedding ceramony to be more intamate so it was just me and him at the courthouse and ofcourse our witness. We HAD one picture on our his old Blackberry and have not found the SD card that was in it!! :( Im not worried about the interview at all because we are literally like peanut butter and jelly and know each other like the back of our palms. But the fact that we only have a rent lease and bank accounts as proof scares me. We don't have Facebooks because it was causing too much problems (ex girlfriends). We are trying to save $$ for a car so no joint ownership or anything like that. His work wont give him insurance until he is passed his probation period since he just started in November. And to boot our pictures SUCK!

    Uh...I didnt realize maybe I am a little stressed out :wacko:

    Anyway, I guess with a situation like this...should we expect to get drilled or what?

  5. So both sisters are U.S. citizens?

    In that case they now BOTH need U.S. passports. A passport card ($30) is sufficient for land travel. Birth certificate isn't good enough anymore. I would also get a notarized letter of authorization signed by both parents, allowing the older sister to take the younger sister across country lines.

    Yes both sisters are US Citizens. My older sister who is bringing her over has a passport and my 11 year old sister who lives in Mexico is also a US Citizen but does not have a passport because we didnt know weather she had to come up here to get one. Also, my sister crosses the border aaaall the time by land (not flying) and they have never asked for a passport. Flying they do though. In this case they would be crossing by land.

  6. US citizens are now required to show proof of their citizenship before crossing the border. Her parents can apply for a US passport at the local US embassy. If she has a valid birth certificate, why wont she be able to get one?

    I did not say she would not be able to get one. I am asking because I don't know. Hence why I made the Original Post.

    So now I know she can get one from Mexico. Once she has her Passport, she can cross over with my Older sister? This is OK? No need for anything else? Seems too good to be true for a minor to be allowed to cross the border with nothinng but a Passport.

  7. Does your sister have a valid US passport? If not, then she would need to apply for one before entering the country.

    My 11 year old step sister, No she does not. She lives in Mexico, Im not sure if she would be able to get one there.

    My OLDER sister who would pick her up, yes.

    Also they would not be flying they will drive accross the border and they have never asked her for her Passport, only when she flies.

  8. Hi everyone,

    I wasnt sure where to post this so if this is wrong I apologize now.

    My step sister (dad's daughter) was born in the states while my dad and his partner were vacationing here.

    They ofcourse went back to Mexico because my dad never wanted to live here or immigrate here. But long story short she's a USC.

    We want to have my sister come spend Christmas with us but we're wondering what the best way to bring her up here is.

    My OLDER sister (also USC) would be picking her up and bringing her accross the border because my dad as some of you know recently passed away and his partner's visitor's visa is expired so she couldnt come accross with her parents.

    How should she bring her up here?? Is it even ok for her to travel with out her mom??

    If so, what will she need?? She's only 11 so she has no picture Id's or anything like that. Just her Birth Certificate and SSN Card.

    Maybe a letter from her mom saying its ok for my sister to bring her up here??? Any help is appreciated!! :)

    Thanks in advance

  9. OP's situation is a bit different, though. Plenty of people come and do not intend to stay, and adjust status without problem. The issue in the OP's case is that she was flagged, USCIS and CBP have it in their system, and she was specifically told NOT to file for AOS. For her to change her mind and do so a week later is not only a huge red flag but is setting herself up for material misrespresentation, as she presumably told CBP she would NOT be staying or they would not have let her in. She is going to be very, very hard-pressed to convince the IO when she gets her interview that something changed so drastically in a week's time that she just had to stay. Add that to the fact that someone in her family reported her to USCIS as intending to stay and she has a far more complicated case than your average overstayed AOS.

    This is true. You are also not in a situation where its eaither your way or the highway. You can easily go back and renew your I94 if you want to keep visiting.

    What ceadsearc is saying is correct. It would be BEST if you go back that way you dont raise any redflags. Talk to another lawyer. An dsee what they say. There are a lot of lawyers that offer free consultations over the phone. It never hurts. I hope everything goes well for you either way you choose. But just remember that either way you face scrutnization. :blush:

  10. Well my husband and I feel as if we do have a complicated case. After my husband and I got married I came to the US to visit with customs knowing I was going to be here for a few months, they did not give me any documentation, just let me in. His father passed away so we had to stay a little longer. When I came for my visit last week I didn't have intentions of staying because my husband and I were talking about immigrating to Canada, yet my mother had apparently called US customs stating that I was immigrating illegally and I had overstayed my welcome last visit. Customs didnt want to let me into the country, but because they had called my employer and they stated the date I would be back at work, they let me in on a limited stay with NO AOS COS EOS (at the time I didn't care because I wasn't intending on staying)

    Now within the last week my husband and I have talked a lot about staying here since he has the better job opportunity and his mother is extremely ill. The lawyer told us that it would be best if I stay and just file for AOS and send the I-130... the problem that I see is that my passport was written with NO AOS... so I see that as I am not allowed to adjust my status, she sees it as I have not applied for AOS. I also dont want to be accused of fraud, I didn't intend to immigrate but now we have decided to go through with it. The lawyer says stay in the states and file for all this and we will be fine. I'm stressed!

    Something similar happen with my case. When I enetered I entered on a visitors visa my mom then applied for I130 for me. I didnt enter intending to marry yetalone fall in love with anyone. But it happen. I think you should go ahead and file because at the end of the day YOU DIDNT enter intending to stay. Be honest when they ask you in your interview. Dont stress out too much that you are going to ovesrtay and your I-94 is going to expire. Sme thing happen with me. My I-94 is expired by one whole year now and my visitor visa will expire soon as well. Things happen that we dont think will. Honestly I NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS thought I would even marry as young as I did but you cant help things from happening. My dad died as well this year and since I was overstayed I couldnt even go to his funeral without leaving my husband and triggering a three or ten year ban. I repeat myself, your situation is different and unique just like most of the peoples on here are but as long as you keep being honest especially with USCIS officers you will be ok. That is my opinion ofcourse. If you feel confortable taking abother routte DO SO. Another thing is that your husband probably needs you right now more then ever becuse of the death of his father I know this Im still going through it and i fI didnt have my husband I dont know what Id be doing right now or how I would even be.

  11. How have you been... Your case involves a I-485...? I thought your case category was F2A..? Did the petition upgrade to the US Citizen category (IR1/CR1)? OR is the applicant legally in the USA so that AOS route could be taken. ..?

    please update the grp http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/312961-nvc/page__view__findpost__p__4980780

    Hi Ricardo,

    Its good to hear from you again. Long time no talk. I saw that you are now a Citizen congrats!! I am happy for you :) My case is in fact still in F2A catagory its still in. However as you may remember my dad died. My boyfriend at the time was really the only person who has been able to keep my head up and really to be honest the only person who has been consoling after my dad died. He asked me to move in with him because I was always alone in my sisters house and it wasnt helping me much. Its emberassing to say but I think I was really getting into depression. He asked me to marry him and I ofcourse said yes. He told me that with him being a US Citizen he can file for me and so thats what he did. We have called and asked bbut they say not to worry because the other petition gets voided. Anyway, with that said yes my case involves an I-485. He was told by an Immigration Officer who happens to be a neighbor that he needs to file both forms together. So thats what we did.

    I know that your brother was also same catagory as me, if I remember correctly... How is everything going??

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