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Posts posted by Egyptianman

  1. hi all

    معليش انا مش خالص في الانجليزيي ممكن اسالكم ازاي اعرف البكج بتاعي وصل السفارة في القاهرة ؟

    لاني محتارة ومقلقة اوي ومش عارفة اعمل ايه ممكن تساعدوني لو سمحتم؟انا فيزتي كانت خطيبة وزوجة واتقبت فيزة الزوجة وهي الان اكتملت في ناشونال فيزا سنتر من يوم 11 ابريل

    تتباعى بالدى اتش ال لو فية رقم للباكج بتاعك

    لو انتى الناشونال فيزا سنتر قالولك حالتك اكتملت يبقى عاطوكى معاد الانترفيو اكيد

    وخلاص..بتروحى الانترفيوا بتلاقى ملفك هناك


  2. ربنا يستر

    بقولك ايه انت كتبت أسمك فى الاوراق ثلاثى و لا رباعى زى ما موجود فى الباسبور ؟

    لا..انا مكتبتش الاسم الرباعى علشان الاسم الخير هو "محمد" فاقولت بلاش علشان هما متعقدين..بس كدا انا غلطت ولا اية..مش عارف

    طيب انا دلوقتى مش عارف وضعى اية..انا كدا حتى مش عارف الاجرئات الادارية بتاعتى حاتكون ازاى

    يارب استر

  3. هما أدولى أصل شهادة الميلاد و عقد الزواج و شهادة الجيش و ورقة تانية غير ديه بتقول ان السفارة استلمت الملف بتاعنا و كمان ورقة الاسامى اللى انت شايفها ديه و كمان الورقة الصغيرة اللى زى اللى انت خدتها اللى بتقول اجرائات ادارية و كده و ستين يوم و كدة

    أومال انت ايه الورق اللى أدهولك بالظبط ؟

    اية دا؟ انا كدا مضيع خالص

    دول عطونى ورقة الزواج..وورقة الدى اتش ال..وورقة الصغيرة بتاعة الاجرائات الادراية..وبس

    لا اخدت شهادة الميلاد ولا شهادة الجيش ولا اى حاجة تانية..ولا اخدت الورق بتاعة الاسامى دى

    شكلى كدا حالتى حلوة اوى...ربنا يستر

    انا بقى كدا ششكلهم بيبدوء معايا من الاول خالص..حايكشوفوا على اسمينا وبعد كدا ابدء حورات تانية

    انا مدايق اوى والله

    ربنا يستر

  4. الورقة ديه بتقول انهم كشفوا على اسمى و على أسم مراتى فى قواعد البيانات بتعتهم و أسامينا نظيفة انت مخدتش ورقة زيها يوم الانترفيوا ؟

    لا ما اخدش ورقة زيها ..علشان كدا انا خايف انى موضوعى يطول اكثر

    ياعنى الورقة دى هما عطوهالك يوم الانترفيوا ؟

    عطوك اى ورقة تانية ماعها ولا دى بس..؟

    انا كدا اتلغبطت خالص

  5. Hello Fellow VJers

    I just called the embassy in Cairo and they told me that the case is pending mandatory administrative processing, then as i was going through the papers that they gave me back,

    i found this document


    anyway, it says on the results column NOHIT on my name and my wife's name

    is this the FBI name check or that's something else

    Thank you

    الله يخليك فهمنى علشان انا بدئت اقلق اوى من ساعة ماقريت الموضوع دا

    الورقة البيضة دى الى انتا حاططها دى

    -دى ورقة الاجرائات الادراية الى عطوهالك فى المقابلة ؟

    -دى ورقة اضافية مع ورقة الاجرائات الادراية ؟

    -دى ورقة السفارة بعتتهالك فى الايميل ؟

    -ولا دى النتيجة الى بتطلعلك لما بتعمل تسك على اسمك فى الموقع؟

    معلش اصلى انا اتلغبطت خالص

    الورقة البيضة دى اية؟

    ومعناة اية الكلام الى فات دا كلة....واية انهم بيعملوا تشك على اسمك خلال 90 يوم...احنا لسة حانستنى 90 يوم ؟

    معلش بقى فهمنى بالتفصيل الممل جزاك الله خيرا

    sorry my bro

    this white paper, is the paper of the AP which they gave u in the interview? or it was paper with it "additional" ?

    what it means by what they said above in the other comment that they will check on ur name in 90 days? will we wait 90 days ? am sick of waiting

  6. From my understanding, it's quite common for the embassy send out someone for a follow up with your family and friends. They did it to my husband. They actually sent someone out to speak with his mother and brother in Luxor. Also they did alot of talking to people in his village.

    Lots of field investigation apparently.

    how long it took from u guys to be done from this AP and get the visa?

  7. You know the hardest part of the process is if you have to go through AP, it really sucks, i will stop whining now cause i can go on forever

    Wish everyone that is waiting for an interview to get one, but this journey is certainly a waiting test

    i agree with u, it seems we started from the beginning and we do not know anything or how we deal with it

    i hope soon we will hear good news


  8. I'm an american citizen married to an egyptian... i will start filing real soon... but I would like to have some friends.

    who have experience in this.. or is going through the same process.... i feel a bit lost and alone

    so any help would be greatly appreciated... thanx... by the way i'm angie :D

    best wishes and read alot here, this website is really great and when u have any question just post it and many people will answer it

    good luck in ur journey

  9. You could have the US petitioner, contact their Congressman to make and inquiry about your case. Im not sure that it really helps. At least its a third party kind of watching over their shoulder, maybe puts a lil pressure on them. Anyway, it doesn't hurt.

    Good luck


    by the way, i love ur video :) its the best ever :) and he looks handsome ;)

    wish u guys be togther for eternity, u look cute couple and ur girl is so cuteee :)

    thanks for passing by here :)

  10. Hello everyone,

    Thought I would create a thread for anyone waiting for an interview date or if you are in AP in Cairo. Somewhere we can share any thoughts, worries, opinions and support each other.

    As for our case at NVC was completed on the 5th of April. Status: waiting for an interview date. Going out of my mind crazy waiting :wacko:

    Hope you will join me. Thanks


    yo`ll hear good news soon about the interview cuz the embassy was done with all the previous interviews which were canceled so the embassy will accept new appointments soon

    best wishes for u :)

  11. You could have the US petitioner, contact their Congressman to make and inquiry about your case. Im not sure that it really helps. At least its a third party kind of watching over their shoulder, maybe puts a lil pressure on them. Anyway, it doesn't hurt.

    Good luck


    oh thats a good idea,i guess i can do it

    thanks so much (F)


    I can't tell you how happy i am right now and can't wait for him to be here. I bought his ticket today and i am glad i didn't but it yesterday. Yesterday all i found was $822 and i thought oh wow that is cheap. I wish i could but it now. I looked at diff sites today and found a ticket for $728. I was shocked to find this. I thought it was funny because i checked the site already but only checking one way tickets. I checked same day with round trip and it was so much less. One way was $940 and round trip $728 LOL. Well anyways me and his daughter will be picking him up at the airport April 21. WOOOOOOW i'm still in shock.

    who will drive ? u or his one month old daughter ? :)

  13. Just go on with your life as normal, try your best not to think of it. It's a bit of a tall order, but I promise it makes it a whole lot easier.

    yes u r right, i hope it be done as fast as possible

    thanks so much for replying (F)

    There is nothing you can do, only wait.

    Some have called the State Dept once a week for updates, they are easier to get then contacting the embassy, also you can check the DHL webiste to see if movement of your visa.

    yes u r right, i hope it be done as fast as possible

    thanks so much for replying (F):)

    These are all things I remember when I was first on VJ along with the ladies that married Egyptian men, I need to brush up, so when our AP time comes, I will know what I can and can not do. It will happen, so just try to be patient, I know its hard, but it will happen.

    Very best wishes for a fast issueing of your visa. God Bless......

    yes u r right, i hope it be done as fast as possible

    thanks so much for replying (F):)

    There is not much one can do but wait just like LaL said try not to think about it and go on with your life until it ends

    yes u r right, i hope it be done as fast as possible and we got our visas soon, ii hope it will not take months as i have heard from other guys

    thanks so much for replying :)

  14. Hi guys

    as u all know i am in the AP "Administrative processing" ,am satisfied with everything happen cuz all was writing by God.

    but the Question now

    what can i do ?

    who should i contact or call to know anything about my case? and what the phone numbers i should call?

    in fact, i have seen guys saying they r waiting for long time for their AP, like months, so now am just wondering what will we do during all these months or how should i know where is my case now.

    am in this step like when u find ur self in a desert and u do not know where should u walk or to which direction

    so if u have anything can help.plz share with us,


  15. hi

    i guess its very common in this embassy to send all males in an AP

    even they r married to amricans or engaged to them or even they will have treatment there

    i feel they r afraid to give the visa right away

    they just give it right away to certain cases which looks so good.

    the Question is..for how long the AP remains.? month? two month? less than that ? i did not have an answer for this question

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