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Posts posted by podge_celt

  1. My visa was recently granted a CR1 visa, I entered the US through Miami.I thought upon entering the US all my original documents would be returned and the immigration officer would keep the photocopies however when my passport was stamped he said he would keep all the documents I submitted. I told him I thought I would get at least my wedding cert and birth cert back but he said he was keeping them. was this correct and if yes will they be returned to me at any stage?

  2. don't worry the exact same thing happened me, I had also spent 8 months in Australia too. I sent them a letter stating that I didn't need a police cert from australia stating the guidelines that they mentioned on the website, I sent that letter with the barcode sheet they sent me and the usual info you have to send to get your case seen. they removed the Australia police cert from the things needed list

  3. I would get a joint sponsor. my wife was my sponsor and she currently earns 65000. unfortunately she was a student up until this year so had no tax returns but we were told by nvc that her wages so far this year would cover it. i had my interview today and was told i need a joint sponsor. I know if i could go back in time i would go for the better safe than sorry approach and got a joint sponsor. It doesn't cost anything extra or take any longer so you have nothing to lose.

  4. I had my visa interview today in Dublin and was very disapointed when told my wife's wages couldn't be used for our affidavit of support. I was told by the NVC that this would be fine but the consular officer wouldn't accept it as my wife has been in her job for less than a year. She was previously a student so hadn't any tax returns. This is not a huge problem as her mam is willing to be a joint sponsor. My questions are:

    -do I need the original I864 and tax returns or can she print these out, sign them, scan them and email them to me so I can post them from here?

    -Will I need to do a second interview or will they continue processing once they recieve the affidavit of support?

    -How long will this whole process take?

    -The consular officer kept my passport, is this normal procedure?

  5. My wife is from Puerto Rico and has an American passport but has been studying in the UK for 5 years now I am from Ireland, we have been married for 6 months now and have lived in the UK together for 3 years. Her study visa expires in August and we would like to move to Florida.

    We have absolutely no idea how to go about this process.

    I know the first process is to file an I-130 form but even this seems complicated as we can't do it in the uk embassy as they don't process applications from persons on a student visa. can we post the form to the US from the UK or will she have to go home to get the process started. I am completly new to this and would greatly appreciate any help that anyone could give.

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