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Status Updates posted by Tsuwa

  1. Hi!

    You guys' case gose pretty quick.

    Well compare to my case.... :(

    Mine is AOS though it takes so long.

    Hopefully we could get GC soon!

  2. Hello!

    i have a question...

    I got NOA2 on Apr.8th same as you though

    I haven't got the packet 3 yet.....

    Have you got it????

  3. Omedetougozaimasu!!!!

  4. >jaz00mine

    thank you!

    but now I wonder when I can get the packet.

    because I just checked it on the website.

  5. I found that my case status was changed!!!

    from Initial Review to "Post Decision Activity!"

  6. Mari & Kadir,

    No, not yet. I'll try to contact her pretty soon!


    Thank you very much for your wishes!

    we are all fine!

    we'll try send some packages to my sister in Chiba. thay are short of water.

    they can't cook. we have to send some instant food.

  7. we are OK in Fukuoka.

    but my older sister and her family are in trouble. their water line has been stopped since last night.

    at leatst they are alive, so I felt very reief now.

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