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Status Updates posted by leeandcorinne

  1. Alyssa je t'ai envoye un email, bisous

  2. Alyssa je t'ai envoye un email, bisous

  3. Hey congratulations for your Noa2!!!!

  4. Very sweet story!!! We have the same :)

    Life separated us for just 30 years!!

    Love rolls :)

  5. Very sweet story!!! We have the same :)

    Life separated us for just 30 years!!

    Love rolls :)

  6. Ha oui de la patience surtout!!! c'est bien souvent frustrant mais dis toi bien que chaque jour qui pAsse est un jour de moins!! cela aide :) si si je t'assure!!!!!

  7. Its freezing out here!!!! Ok its Wisconsin... but still :)

    1. Chynna/gapamix


      Same here in Boston Brrrr!!!!

    2. ashlien


      Haha, you're in Wisconsin? We're not too far from you guys! Is it snowing there? It isn't here, yet :(

    3. minae


      How are you guys doing? I hope you guys 're enjoying this spring break.

  8. Bienvenue a bord!!! bonne chance Thomas :)

  9. Hi! The consular officer said congratulations hey??? well I can say congrats too then :)



  11. MARRIED :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Georgiabound


      How wonderful for you both!!

      Finally husband and wife, a true love story, happy ever after. Your story makes me smile.

    3. SH&E



    4. Ahema


      wow congrats im happy for u

  12. Hello Kevin and Michele, je vais tres bien, our wedding was very nice and we are going to start the AOS, how is it going for you?

    hugs et bises


  13. Bonne chance pour ton interview :)


  14. It is cold and so windy!!! brrrrrrrrr :)

    But as you say : love keep us worm!

    Everything is great, just taking my marks and preparing the wedding, actually a very private one, with the children and our high school best friend :)how are you 2 doing? bisous

  15. I dont have enough room here to put down all the papers you will need, give me your email address, it will more simple :)

  16. Passport (valid for at least 6 months after interview date)

    - 2 photos (specific requirements, DO NOT bring usual French format photos)

    - Receipt for payment of the 263€ fee paid by mandat compte to account 2006L

    - Military record (if exempted of military service, an official letter stating why the military service wasn't done is still required). JAPD certificate accep...

  17. Good luck on your journey :)

  18. OH a cowgirl hey? :)

    c'est un peu loin du Wisconsin, sinon j'aurai ete super contente de te connaitre! qui sait, on prend la voiture et on se fait un road movie!!! hahahaha :)

  19. Je croise les doigts pour toi aussi!


    Tu vas vivre dans quel etat?

  20. L'interview prend environ 1 mois apres avoir renvoyé le packet 3, j'avais regardé sur toutes les timelines, et l'interview tombe toujours 1 mois après avoir renvoyé le packet 3, pour moi c'était commme ca aussi :) tu devrais avoir le tien vers le 9 decembre alors!!!!

  21. Je pense à toi et t'envoie que des bonnes ondes pour que cela se réalise :)


  22. OMG it is coming for you!!! :)

  23. We are finally waking up every morning together, life is a miracle, I tried my wedding dress on today, we are getting married on december 3 and I am amazed that I am not dreaming :)

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ashlien


      P.S. I bet it feels amazing, right?!!

    3. minae


      48hours to your wedding! I wish you a happy married life ever after.

    4. KevinF


      Ca va? Are you well. How was the wedding? We are good. Busy making our common life. Let us know how you are doing.

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