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Posts posted by YYZ2USA

  1. Hey y'all! Back in July I was denied entry to the USA at the Fort Erie crossing, that assumed I was going to stay illegally I suppose even though I'm a seasonal worker and had my letter from my employer stating I'd be comin back in September. I didn't have a return ticket. I also didn't tell them off the bat that I was going to speak to a lawyer to find out how my bf and I could do to be together legally, it came out after I was in the building being questioned.

    Now.... I'm going to try to go visit a friend in a totally different state for five days. I'll have my rent receipts, pay stubs, letter from my employer, two years tax return, bank statements showing my funds, credit card and cell phone bills and about two hundred cash. I'm so nervous and scared about being denied again.

    Any words of wisdom and advice from people who have been through this would be greatly appreciated. I'm basically a wreck thinking about this, I've never felt more like a criminal then I did when I was last denied and I don't wanna feel like that again. I feel well prepared but you never know.........

  2. I think you only have partial information that is correct, yes the minimum requirement for a Travel agent could be high school, but there are tons of ppl who attend the school beyond high school and take classes and graduate with degree in tourism.

    Also there are tons of ppl who after their high school get IATA certifications, so just saying that you have been to school and some ppl who already work in the idustry are only high school grads is not going to fly.

    I am just being practical also with this economy condition, you have to keep in mind when employeer files for human resource from foreign country, they are questioned as why they cannot hire someone local with the similar skill set.

    I understand and appreciate everything you are letting me know, even if it is not what I want to hear! :P I've said it before and I'll say it again, I am so new and fresh to this that I can take any help that is given to me, and talking to people who already have knowledge and experience with these types of things is likely the best thing I can do for myself. Knowledge is power! Thank you again.

  3. Thanks for all the replies. We have discussed him moving up north to make it easier, however at this point he may be getting a great job! It would be way more money, great benefits, amazing insurance, good hours. If he does get this job I would never want him to leave it. This is all so new and confusing for me I'm sure I will have 100 more questions. I've read a lot online, the problem is figuring out what is right what is wrong and making sense of it all. Thanks again everyone.

  4. I have seen both some ppl put visa required some dont, but if you dont put in the cover letter and you complete the interview and lets say they like you and would like to join the company, you would not be able to do so.

    Unfortunately I am not in Travel and Tourism, so not sure how good the market is for them, also most of the time H1b is filed for skilled labor which is scientist, Docs, Engg etc not sure if travel and tourism would fall under it.

    Do you have some skills that an employeer cannot find locally? Thats the question you need to ask yourself.

    Thank you for the reply!

    I suppose in a way I do, or maybe I'm just "more educated". In America a travel agent does not need any education aside from high school. For us in Canada we need to go to College to even consider working in one. I'm a certified Travel Agent as per Canadian standards. However, I don't know if it would be enough. I'm trying to find anyway to get to America legally and I think this is going to be one of my biggest challenges in my life! LoL!

  5. I graduated from a program in Canada called "Travel and Tourism - Hospitality" what are the chances of a potential employer looking at my resume, taking me seriously and offering me a work visa? Would you put that you need a work visa in a cover letter?

  6. I used to live 1.5 hours from Toronto, near the KW, you anywhere near that?

    Forget the work visa, in this economy citizens are lucky to get jobs, not immigrants.

    K-1 is easiest as you can file today

    CR-1 allows you to work immeidately upon entering

    Good luck

    I'm in the other direction in the Peterborough area. I think K-1 is the easiest route.. so far. Aside from living there illegally. LOL! Kidding of course.

  7. Why cant you work through the process? It will take a a few months to be approved if you go K1 visa. You can still keep your job in Canada.

    I plan to work and save and pay as many bills as I possibly can before I move. We are not planning anything today or anything we have a year to a year and a half plan.

  8. I live near Toronto about 1.5h away. Visa wise, I have no idea what I am going to go for. I have not started anything yet. I don't know if I should try a work visa or fiance or what. This is a little confusing for me. It will all come in time.

  9. Just wanted to say Hello! I am from Ontario Canada and the man of my dreams is in Louisiana. I came here to try to get as much information as I could, because who would know better then people who are going through the same thing that I will eventually be going through.

  10. Well, here I am.. trying to get as much information as I can gather about what it will take and what I need when I eventually move to the good old USA. I don't know what would be easier, trying to get a work visa (although anyone in the USA is just as qualified as I am to do what I do) or wait until we are ready and maybe get a Fiance visa. We have a 1 year plan so far. I might move it upto a year and a half. Around this time next year I would love to live with my man. Can anyone give me an idea where or how to start this? It seems like it would be a long and hard process? Also, we as Canadians are not allowed to be in the lottery, correct?

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