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Status Replies posted by RussianGoddess

  1. Today is my birthday. In the mail I found an envelope with a permanent resident card inside.

  2. Today is my birthday. In the mail I found an envelope with a permanent resident card inside.

  3. I need to learn to share. It is hard after living alone for years...

  4. Super Tired! Long Day well worth it. My Love is finally here with me.

  5. First work day in the US and fiance is already registered for English classes (will begin tomorrow) and has a gym membership. We mean business!

    1. RussianGoddess


      how excited are you that he is there with you? sometimes i look at him when i am home, and still can't believe that it's all real. Manny also already started ESL classes, today is day 4....he is actually taking the bus there today by himself, im kind of nervous! :-)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Finally Embassy Sent Visa to Domex.

    1. RussianGoddess


      thank god!!! did you have to cancel your flight to DR this week? what happened?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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