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Posts posted by bornot2b

  1. I married in morocco may 13, 2004. Of course they had some problem concerning my age difference, my race and religion. Petition was sent back, but due to a very good immigration attorney and my friends, it was eventual approved and sent back to morocco for him to get his visa. He arrived in the USA june 2009. He became a citizen in nov 2014. We just celebrated our 11th anniversary with a big bang. Just sharing

  2. My husband and i were married in 2004, he arrived here in June of 2009. He is not abusive, disrespectful, or unfaithful. We pick our battles carefully and we do not go to sleep angry with one another, i love this part.

    If and when this marriage ends, i will not marry again.

    So happy we met and got married!!!

  3. I remember you Tanya from back in the days of waiting and more waiting. When I read your post, I could feel really feel the pain involved in everything you have gone through (getting him here) and are now experiencing (with it not working out). I think this is just the downside of long distance relationships and not necessarily him being Arabian, Moroccan. Sometimes it can be very difficult to navigate to the truth of the matter. Do not beat yourself up, hold your head up and remember you gave it your best.

    I will keep you in my prayers!

  4. i'm SOOOOOOOOO sorry to keep everyone waiting! i'm touching that a lot of you care what out outcome was! :blush: i began housesitting for a friend this morning and couldn't figure out how in the world to get online with her comp but something i did finally worked! (unplugging and replugging the modem and other fiddling with plugs worked.)

    anyway... abdelilah called and said everything went great!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: the woman said congrats and that they will call him once the name checks are complete! :thumbs:

    the same woman who was there last time was there and was much nicer this time. she apologized for the problems and sent him right in. the interviewer only spoke english (apparently all the other ones are bi or tri lingual?) so he decided to give it a go and do it all in english....and it went great!!!!! she asked him why i travel so much (guess she looked at all the stamps in my passport), asked him what i do for a living, if i had siblings, what does he plan to do when he gets to the us, and a few other random questions i can't think of. i'm so proud of abdelilah for being so great at english. when we met, he spoke only a few sentences. he's definitely come a long way to be able to do an entire interview in english!

    thanks for all the well wishes and support! i was in the chat room for an hour or so last night and i guess i came right after most of you were in there! :crying: i'm still adjusting to west coast time. hehe. thanks to those of you who kept me company!


    Congradulations and best wishes!!!

  5. Hello,

    Is there anyone else out there whose case is pending in AP.

    I need support, I feel like giving up.

    My case has been pending at vermont in AP since 11-25-05, the initial interview was 7-21-05. Upon each request we

    are told to wait adjudication is not finished. Vermont seems to be moving in this area very very, or not at all. From what I have seen the other service handle AP alot quicker.

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