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Posts posted by hiroin

  1. Congrats! :)

    He'll be a citizen in a few hours or so.

    Here's an update on Denver's office....

    My husband had his interview scheduled for this morning.

    Waited 20 minutes and then during the interview he was asked where I was. He said I was at work and he was asked for my phone number and I got a call from his IO.

    IO identified himself by name and said he was calling from USCIS and that someone there claimed he knew me. I said that my husband was there for his interview. IO asked me if I was claiming him and asked a few other questions about our travels. He said that he figured he would just give me a call to confirm, then thanked me and said that my husband would probably become a citizen today and asked my husband (who was sitting across from him) if he wanted to take the oath this afternoon.

    I spoke to my husband afterwards and he said that the IO said that because we don't have children together that he needed evidence of our relationship and went through the bank accounts and tax documents. Overall took about 20 minutes and this afternoon he'll take the oath.

    Good luck everyone

  2. Congrats, Jack!

    You guessed it right. Me, my husband and my daughter were the only people who showed up at around 8:55 am. They were supposed to interview 10 people yesterday but only one showed up ( and I knew it was you :) ). But around 9:30 I believe, there was a couple who arrived and I noticed the lady was holding the civics test booklet. So yup probably only the 3 of us showed up for our interview.

    The lady officer conducted a one-on-one oath taking since my husband told them that we live a couple hundred miles from Denver and it'd be better if they do it the same day. Thankfully, they agreed and had the oath taking at around 10:16 am.

    I'm pretty sure you'll get your oath letter soon in the mail! :) Congrats again and update us with your oath ceremony!

    Just got back from my interview. I am sure hiroin was also in for a very unique experience.

    The security guards at the checkpoint told me that there seemed to be something wrong today since no one had shown up for citizenship interview (at 8:30 AM).
    The Denver district office usually starts interviewing people at 7:30 AM. This is exactly what I suspected would happen, i.e. lots of no shows.
    I was told to proceed to the waiting room on the second floor. Indeed, the entire room was empty, except the security guard and me!

    About 10 minutes later, the immigration officer came out to get me into his office.
    On the way to his office, he said that no one had shown up yet for their interview appointment.
    I then told him that I got my interview appointment notice after making several phone calls to the USCIS and got the notice through fax a week ago due to the 7-day policy which the IO wasn't even aware of.
    He then put down the information I gathered, and said he would need to report to his supervisor and other IOs.
    Yes, this is a major screw-up as he admitted.

    Before he started the interview, another IO knocked on the door and informed him that there would be no oath ceremony this afternoon because of the screw up.
    I would guess that hiroin and I would be the only two to appear for the interview today.

    The civis questions are:
    1. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? (Thomas Jefferson)
    2. Who is the Commander in Chief of the military? (the president)
    3. What is the political party of the President now? (Democratic party)
    4. What are the two major political parties in the United States? (Democratic and Republican)
    5. There were 13 original states. Name three. (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania)
    pause, the IO was ready to give me a pass, but realized he had to ask another one
    6. Name one state that borders Mexico. (California)

    reading test:
    Who elects congress?

    writing test:
    The people elect congress.

    Then, the IO went through my application quickly. I made a few errors on travel dates and handed him a new copy of the page and he didn't seem to care.

    I was given Form N-652 saying I passed the tests of English and US history and government.
    My application has been recommended for approval.

    Then, the IO started to gather info about what went wrong. I told him that it's very likely that none of those applicants whose interview was scheduled on 3/23 received the notice because you never sent them.
    He thanked me for providing the info, and put down the date 3/23. He even said that he never saw the interview notice through fax like the one I have.

    No same day oath because of their mistake. I'll need to wait for a letter from them. He said it's probably going to be on a Friday.
    Please do send me the oath letter, please.

  3. Good to know. I'm hoping they'll send it soon and not just a day or two before the interview. I really don't wanna miss it and have it rescheduled.

    Thank you, JimmyHou for the info! Appreciate it! :)

    You won't need to reschedule it; USCIS will take care of it.

    If you miss your interview, one of two things will happen:
    1- Usually, USCIS will send you a letter telling you that you missed the interview and will ask you to reply with an explanation with 30 days. Once they get the explanation they will reschedule your interview.
    2- If they realize that it was their fault (either because you already reported not receiving the letter or because they mailed it one or two days before the interview), they may just send a letter rescheduling the interview.

    I think the first case is a lot more likely.

    If you miss two scheduled interviews, then the application is considered abandoned.

    The same goes for oath ceremony letters.

  4. Hi Jimmyhou!

    Is there any way we can reschedule the interview just in case we miss it? Since they won't tell us of our exact interview dates. And that letter is taking forever to arrive.

    Other people have written about this 7 day policy before... thanks for the information; I think this confirms that this isn't just a local office policy, but a general USCIS policy.

    So since he said that he can tell you on April 24th, doesn't that mean your interview is May 1st or earlier? :-)

  5. Hi Jack_den!

    Wow! That 1st officer you talked to was totally oblivious to what her job is and what she needs to know. When all she does is deal with immigration stuff. -_- Oh I know it's pretty upsetting already just waiting for that piece of paper.

    I'll give them a call tomorrow and I'll let you know about it. I would have had scheduled an infopass too if I just live close to Denver.

    I just can't believe we have to be in this kind of situation. I hope they could really clarify as to what is really happening and if they really have SENT out the letters. Tired of this waiting game too.

    I'll keep in touch with you and thank you for all the infos you've provided! :)

    Hi hiroin,

    still no notice. I am gettting more and more skeptical of what the officer told me last Friday on the phone.
    She said the notice was printed on the day when I decided to call (4/3). What a coincidence?! too good to be true!
    She did confirm that the notice would be sent from the district office. I am only 40 miles away from the district office, and I really don't think it would take this long for the letter to arrive. It is also a bit hard to believe that it would take that long before they would print the notice.

    She also said that my interview would be near the end of April, but due to privacy policies, she could not tell me what date it was. I am the applicant, and she clearly read the record. What kind of privacy is this?

    I also noticed another Denver filer who received the notice on 4/1 for an interview on 5/1.
    This leads me to believe that our batch of notices were simply never sent.

    I am getting tired of waiting, so I have scheduled an Infopass for Friday.
    If I don't receive the notice tomrrow, I am going down to Denver on Friday.

    Hi hiroin,

    I called USCIS again and talked to another 2nd tier officer.
    He said that there was no record on when the notice was printed. Yeah, the officer I talked to last Friday was totally clueless about what she was talking about.
    The officer has ordered to have the notice to be sent to me again.

    He did clarify the privacy policy to me: they are only allowed to provide information about the interview when it is within 7 days, including faxing a copy to the applicant.
    Thus, he told me that he could not tell me anything about the interview as of now.
    But he did tell me to call back on April 24 if I still don't have the notice.
    He seemed to imply that by then they would be allowed to fax me the notice.

  6. Hi Jack_den!

    Thank you for letting me know that they just printed out the letter. Thought it already lost its way here.lol Yup I'm guessing we're in the same boat :) And we might have the same interview date too! Most probably it'll be here by next week.

    Will keep you updated if I have the letter on hand already.

    God bless us! :star:

    Hi hiroin,

    I have been reading this forum for quite some time.
    I filed N400 in late November like you did and my district office is Denver as well.
    I also got notified on 3/23 that my interview was scheduled.
    And I haven't received the notice yet, either.

    I finally decided to call them and got to talk to a 2nd tier officer after waiting for 2 hours.
    She looked at my record and said that the noticed was just printed on 4/3. She advised me to wait for another 10 days. If the notice has not arrived, give them a call and they will have the notice sent again.

    I suspect that you are in the same situation as mine. I guess the notice should arrive early next week.

    Good luck to both of us!! :)

  7. Thank you for the response, Alphonse! I live 200 miles away from Denver but I know it shouldn't be taking this long. My husband gave them a call last week and the rep just told him to wait within 30 days and if it hasn't arrived yet, just give them a call again. Will definitely hit them up next week and see if they can just give me an interview date. Just want to prepare everything they've asked for in the letter.

    Thanks again! :)

    Mine came from my field office and it took about 4 days after the update online to receive. But I only live 40 miles away from the field office. Depending on where yours is coming from it could be long but I would say if it goes over 2 weeks call them and maybe request a tier 2 rep and see if he can give you a date and if too close to your interview maybe they can fax the letter to you.

  8. I have seen two types of updates. On Friday 9th January it says .

    On January 9, 2015, we started the interview scheduling process for your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization , Receipt Number NBC*xxxxxxxxxx. We will send you an interview notice. If you do not receive your interview notice by April 9, 2015, please go to www.uscis.gov/e-request to request a copy of the notice. Please follow any instructions in the notice. If you move, go to www.uscis.gov/addresschange to give us your new mailing address.

    Today, I checked the USCIS website and it removed the April, 9 time line and the notice says.

    On January 9, 2015, we started the interview scheduling process for your Form N-400, Application for Naturalization , Receipt Number NBC*xxxxxxxx. We will send you an interview notice. Please follow any instructions in the notice. If you move, go to www.uscis.gov/addresschange to give us your new mailing address.

    ​Don't know why there is a sudden change in the status updates.

    Same here. Mine is January 7 though. Wondering why it removed the April 7 timeframe.

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