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Posts posted by SamB0987

  1. Thank you very much for your response.

    We may be able to ask her sister about the co-sponsor thing as I doubt my parents qualify, with them being in England. And yes, I was worried from reading the other VWP overstays on this forum recently getting denials but I can't give up hope. If I do have to return to the UK then the I-601 can be filed to try and appeal the 10 year ban even for VWP overstays? Also, I remember reading an I-212 would possibly be needed too if I get a deportation order. Any idea, if this were to happen, how long I would we would be separated for? I honestly think I could handle a year or so especially if I can work to pay for her to visit during that year.

  2. Hello all,

    I came across this site recently and it has been extremely helpful. That said, I find myself in a terrible predicament and fear separation from my family. I'll start off by explaining my situation.

    Me and my now wife met in Summer of 2004 online, we were both big nerds and frequented RPG gaming forums and that's where we first interacted with each other. The long distance relationship progressed from instant messages to phone calls, then in Winter 2004 she moved to Puerto Rico to live with her father. I flew out to visit her there in Feb 2005 and stayed with her and her father for 2 weeks, we were both 17 (she turned 18 while I was visiting her there), this was both our first serious relationship. When I returned back to England she was devastated and started suffering from depression. She eventually moved back to Florida in Spring of 2005 and kept begging me to come visit her again. I obliged and made plans for a 3 month visit (the max amount of time allowed on the Visa Waiver Program) and told myself I could use the time to look at some schools whilst there in the hope of becoming an international student. I arrived August 28th 2005, turned 18 in September and ended up overstaying, she didn't want me to leave, I didn't want to leave, so we decided to get married. The marriage took place December 16th (about 2 weeks after my I-94 VWP expired) and we've been together ever since.

    We couldn't stay in Florida, it was just too expensive for us so we moved up to MA early 2006 to live my wife's sister while we got on our feet. We finally start renting our own place and after a few months or so my wife fell pregnant. My son was born in Feb 2007 and life just got tougher, we spent years trying to save up for adjustment of status but other things just kept getting in the way, I was pretty much taking care of my son full time while my wife worked to pay the $500 rent for our studio apartment (ridiculous prices, I know) and food. A year or so goes by and my wife managed to find an apartment for low income families that adjusts rent based on work wages and we've finally been able to manage to save some money.

    Well, we've been married for 5 years now, our son is turning 4 soon and with the help of the guides on this site I now finally have an idea of what to do. We've amassed about $4000-$5000 in savings in preparation for this and I finally want to be able to work to support my family.

    From browsing the guides I'm pretty sure this is what I'm supposed to do to get started:

    - I-130 Not really sure what this is for but I know I need it.

    - G-325a Biographical Info

    - I-485 Request for Adjust of Status. & I-765 (I-765 cost is covered in this from what I understand.)

    - I-693 Report of Medical Examination and Vacc. Report (Is this required?)

    - I-864 Affidavit of Support (...Yeah.)

    So... sorry for the life story but I thought it best for people to know what I'm dealing with.

    The biggest questions on my mind right now:

    1. What's the likelihood of my application getting denied? (I know there are no refunds, so I don't want to apply if I know I'm going to get flat out denied.)

    1a. If denied, will I face immediate deportation?

    2. Do I need to file I-601 Waiver of Inadmissibility due to my situation?

    3. Affidavit of Support... As you can see from the above story, we're not doing so well. We are below poverty level despite my wife having a full time job (she is also doing evening classes for a degree) will they completely deny us because of our financial situation? We have about $5000 saved up right now and I'm guessing the filing fees will be costing us around $2000-$3000.

    4. Bona-fide marriage. Now obviously I know that my marriage is for real, and we have a son together, but in my fear of deportation and separation from my family I'm not listed on anything. I'm not on the rental lease for this apartment, I'm not on any insurance and I don't have any assets or a checking account. Can I even get on anything with no SS# or Visa number? Will my son be enough proof?

    5. Is there anything else I should do in preparation before I start the application process?

    I think that is all for now. I'm pretty terrified about my current situation to be completely honest and I often feel completely overwhelmed. So this is my story, and I feel utterly vulnerable telling everyone about it on a public forum. We we're young and stupid, and I had no idea what I was getting myself in to with all this, I have to say I do regret not going the official route but at this point, but thinking about that just bums me out, so I try not to.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'll try to answer and more questions should they need be answered. Thank you all, and I apologize for the long read.

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