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Posts posted by kabro91

  1. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just announced this morning on the Senate floor that now the GOP isnt only pushing for cuts but for Abortion and EPA Regulation reform as well! If some people werent stubborn and willing to compromise this could be avoided. Boehner and the GOP leadership need to be willing to take some concessions


  2. Hi all

    I just received my NVC case number recently and am eagerly awaiting the next steps for my fiance in Pakistan!

    I have heard all of these horror stories regarding the AP process Isl insists on using and it is generally causing me great unease as my fiance and me are first cousins once removed and whilst this is legal for marriage purposes in Pak and in NJ (where I live and plan to marry), I fear it may cause the close minded officials to put us in AP even though we have more than sufficient evidence of a bona-fide relationship.

    Do you guys think boarding passes from my flight to get engaged, photos of the ceremonies, call logs from cell and landline phones, an extensive FB chat when we first met online, and photos and boarding passes from a trip this past month we both took to London, do these things qualify as evidence??

  3. Hello all!

    Im new on VJ but was curious as to whether anyone knows if the Pakistani Embassy allows (or is lenient) to allowing a cosigner when showing income? I am 19, currently unemployed but have a W2 2010 that shows an income of 14,500 but live with my father who is willing to cosign and has a income of around 85000 on his tax return, will I be allowed to have that taken into consideration?

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