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Posts posted by gc955

  1. Yep ROC is removal of conditions. Basically the evidence needed is the same as if you were still together, except you're filing based on a divorce waiver instead of joint filing. Some people don't have a lot of info though (obviously) so you just send as much as you can and hope for the best.

    If you decide to go back to Aus you hand in the GC at the US consulate/embassy in Australia and give up LPR status. You should be fine getting a visitor visa etc because you show that you don't have immigrant intent (otherwise why would you give up the GC). Think long and hard about it though. Once it's done, it's done.

    I have a lot to think about and a million things going through my head at this moment.

    I have lots of time. Its only happened and I'm praying something works out.

    keeping my chin up and gotta be strong.

    Thanks for the info. I will post if i have any other questions, I know i will think of something

  2. OMG I'm so sorry!! You haven't updated your timeline but I found a prior post where you got your GC around 2 weeks ago (5 June 2012). You got your EAD on 15 Feb 2012 and you've been here since sometime in October 2011.

    I want to be honest and say I have a hard time believing that after 4 months (possible max) of working you love it here so much you don't want to leave. Maybe being a guy it's different but I totally would have been out of here... but that's neither here nor there. Just an observation.

    You have your GC so you're an LPR. Her I-864 is locked in (not that it helps you 'cause you can't use public assistance for 5 years of being an LPR). After your divorce is final you need to file ROC immediately (or in the 90 day window, whichever comes first).

    So, right now, aside from healing emotionally, you need to collect evidence of a bonafide marriage. Joint bank accounts, joint bills, same address on ID cards etc etc.

    Im a bit of a emotional wreck right now.

    Thanks for this info. I got my GC approved in april, but didnt get it in the mail for a long time due to some issues with USPS.

    Im guessing ROC is Removal of Conditions correct?

    So once the divorce is settled I can file for ROC? I have all that proof before the anniversary of my 2 year gc?

    I really still can't believe this is happening.

    what happens if i go back to Australia and just leave everything and only divorce?

  3. Im posting on here cause right now I don't know what my options are.

    Im australian and my wife is american.

    She left me earlier in the week as we have been having a rocky time trying to make things work. We can both say times have been tough and all the fights have now lead to us both wanting a divorce.

    I have my 2 year Green Card, I am not sure what can be done to stay and what happens when it comes up to the lift conditions in 2 years.

    I have my job here and I don't want to leave. I love her still but she is not wanting to meet me halfway.

    Can anyone tell me if I can stay or what I can do...

    I have left our house and staying with a friend for now.

    Thank you

    Its a really tough time right now

    i am a emotional wreck, i didnt think it would get to this so soon.

  4. Which state are you in? You should be able to get one with your EAD but it will probably only be valid until the expiry date on your EAD.

    That's great they said you would hear something about your GC soon. I had heard of people who had called and said they had to wait 6 months to put in a service request, but it seems everyone gets told something different when they call USCIS. Maybe I will try calling now instead of waiting. It would be nice to have the GC.

    In TN. I might go in tomorrow and see what they say. I really hope so. I need my license to get to and from work. If not I do have a international licence which is what I was driving on prior to this.

  5. Hey Ashton & Ben Lainie B

    Im in the same boat as you both. Sent our AOS back in November, had a RFE but got that sorted and got a letter reagarding transferred to CSC for "faster" processing. I thought I would have received it by now.

    I called them just recently and they said i will hear something within the next 15 days or less.

    Also is there any other way to get my Drivers license without my GC? Mine expires in the next week and it was done with my I-94 in my passport... ? anyone know if I can do it without my GC?

  6. lol, applying for jobs here sucks! Have you had any with the long #### questionnaire's yet? Or one's where it doesn't let you enter in certain information because it's foreign? lol

    I hope you hear something soon :) Did yours go to CSC? I have my interview Tuesday so hopefully mine will be coming soon too :D

    Generally the questions they ask in the application are so full on, like race and gender and also criminal. I don't recall them asking this in Australia. oh well.

    Yeah mine is at CSC now. I haven't got an interview or been asked to attend one. I just check my online status and it says: Its been transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you....blah blah blah

    Let us know how the interview goes and fingers crossed to both of us to getting our GC soon. :)

  7. hmmm, you might have to wait for the greencard to work then. When i was filling out job apps alllll of them were asking for SSN. Mine has a one year expiry too, it doesn't matter though, your green card will replace the EAD when you get it :)

    yes, almost every job I have applied for (only 2 lol) has asked for my social# or it says if I don't have one to tick that box, so I have. Oh thats good to know that my GC will replace the EAD! thank god, was a little clueless to that.

    I just hope my GC arrives this week. Its been 18 days since i got my EAD/AP and usually the GC arrives after, but since i had a RFE it might take a little longer... It says I will hear something by march the 26th.

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