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Posts posted by feanor

  1. Ok so I have had my K1 Visa and my wife and I got married in October, we applied for the Green card in January ( I know it was late but she left her job and found a better paying one so she could sponsor me again, its a long story) so I got the e-mails from them ( acceptance confirmation ) but I'm wondering, my visa expired because I got married so what happens when my 6 months are up ? I don't have a Green card, its being processed. Am I able to stay in the country while its processed or do I have to leave ?

  2. Well My interview was this past Tuesday (August 2nd 2011)and it was not what I expected at all.

    So I walk from my hostel in Montreal to the U.S. Consulate let me tell you You guys should look into staying at HI-Montreal ( Hostel International Montreal)I got a shared 4 bed room for $35 a night and it was 10-15 minute walk to the consulate. So my interview is at 8:30am which i found out apparently doesn't mean anything. As soon as you get there your waiting in a lineup outside, I mean get there as early as possible to beat the rush. So you got through what is like an airport security line then I go down some stairs to take an elevator to the 19th floor. You pass a photo booth that print American sized passport photos so in case you forget your you can get them done right there :) Ok So I go to the 19th floor and am greeted by a lady who doesn't enjoy her job at all hahaha and she tells you to go to window 14A which is around the corner and then you show the lady behind the window your appointment letter and she gives you a number... I thought I was going to be in some room with some US Consulate person going through my paperwork at 8:30 in the morning but that was not the case, your literally in a massive waiting room waiting for your number to be called haha. So there is not much to do in this waiting room, there are a few vending machines limited selection and 2 t.v's. One t.v is for the kids and the other t.v is to show you how great America is haha. You get to watch a bear kill a baby moose and wolves kill the babies parents, even the bald eagle gets in on the act, no joke. If your lucky they will show the biography of Barak Obama, but you won't know whats going on because the sound is turned off. Anyways, so I'm sitting there for about an hour waiting for my number (C14) to show up on the board finally it does so i grab all my paperwork and x-ray and walk to what i think is going to be a room, but there's no room its just a window, like the kind you would order a train ticket from ! haha I thought I would be in some room, anyways so the guys takes my medical sealed envelope and doesn't bother with the x-ray, I later find out you don't even need to bring it they just told me to bring it to the USA as a record of my latest x-ray... so he takes my finger prints and then tells me to sit down. So I'm about my third dead Elk into the movie when my number come sup again ( about an hour) and I bring my paperwork up and she asks for basically everything on the checklist. let me just stop there I was so nervous about this because everyone on this forum told me I need a" Long Form Birth certificate" I didn't have one and the lady didn't even ask about it, so I guess Short form ( Wallet size) is fine. I also did not have the original birth certificate of my petitioner just a copy and that didn't matter either. I was worrying for nothing. so she takes my affidavit and makes me sign a form that says "If your 18-26 years old ( 23) and America every has conscription ( mandatory military service) I am required to join the army"so i sign the damn thing she is about to send me away when I say " I have a Co-Sponsor, do you want that paperwork ?" and she just says " No", Ok.... So I sit down try and make out the Presidents life story learn about how moose are killed ( 2 hours go by) and I'm called again now this is the part where they tell me if i got my visa or not, I'm told to go to "room" 8 which is just another train ticket window with 2 walls beside it haha, I'm asked to raise my right hand and swear to tell the truth. She hands me back my passport and just starts asking me casual questions (as she's filling out paperwork) about how I met my fiancee and where we met, what her job is blah blah blah, then before I know she hands me a form and says "Congratulations you've been approved" I was in shock, I asked her to repeat it. I honestly didn't think I would get it but i did :) So i celebrate by myself because I thought my fiancee wasn't allowed to come to the interview but EVERYONE had theirs with them ! I was honestly the only person without their significant other. So 5 hours later I walk out of the consulate and the suns shinning and I walk back to the hostel and call everyone about the good news. The one thing I'm confused about is they didn't take my 2 colored passport photo's that were on that checklist... they never asked about them. Anyways if anyone read this novel I just wrote that's how it went ! So for those wondering exactly how things go, there it is. enjoy your movies, your going to learn so much about American wildlife.

  3. Ok yea i keep trying to update my profile but it won so sorry. Anyways my interview is on Tuesday for the K1 visa. The above comment ^^ that's the stuff I mailed to them but the checklist does not tell me to bring those forms, was just wondering if I need to but I don't see why if they already have them.

  4. I just booked myself in at the hostel HI-Montréal Youth Hostel paying $71 for 2 nights in a shared four bed room. Only down side is its 30minute walk form the consulate but i figured with the money i saved i can get a cab :)

  5. I was never mailed an appointment letter showing the date and time of my appointment, all I have is the e-mail they sent me showing that. do i print that off ? if it was mailed would it go to my house or sit at the DHL ?

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