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Posts posted by Jeff&Felicia

  1. Hey VJers,

    Been lurking on here for a long time now (since before we started this journey) and have learnt alot about this process. I just wanted to share my experience at Knightbridge, had my appointment this morning at 11.30am.

    I arrived at Knightsbridge a little early (about 40 minutes early) and the receptionist told me that they were fully booked till my appointment time so she advised me to go to the coffee shop just outside. I didn't and chose to wait in the waiting room. She took all my papers and as people have already said before me they accept four of either size of the passport photos. She gave me the medical questionnaire to fill out, of which i answered 'yes' to two of the questions. Tobacco use and glasses.

    At precisely 11.30 am i was called into the xray. I was asked to remove my top and bra and to tie my hair up. I didn't have a hair band or anything so i'd advise people with longer hair to remember to take something to tie their hair up. She gave me a clip to put mine up which i honestly didn't like. She gave me a gown and xray was done. She asked me to wait for her to check over the xray before she asked me to go in to a "ladies" only waiting room as the Doctor wanted me to keep the gown on. She closed the door to give me privacy which was nice of her. She was friendly and it was very quick.

    I think i was in the waiting room for maybe a minute before the Doctor called for me. I had the oriental Dr, she introduced herself and showed me where to put my things. She went through the medical questionnaire with me and briefly told me what was planned for this appointment. She did ask me how many cigarettes i smoked on average (im in the process of quitting but I keep failing). First she took my weight, my height then checked eyesight, ears and mouth. She checked my blood pressure and it was quite high (i gathered it would be) 169/80 : ( She said she'll take another one later. She listened to my heart, then my lungs, checked my abdomen for any pains, asked me to undo my jeans and pull them down a little, she had a quick peek and said it was ok. She then retook my bp which was 125/70 which is what i normally am. Then came the blood test, one bottle, painless. Im not a fan of needles even though i am a nurse, i really dislike it when some people 'jiggle' the needle around if they've missed the vein (although sometimes you really have no choice). She then asked me to get dressed and told me she's happy with everything. She said the nurse may want to speak to me regarding vaccinations but from her point of view everything's in order and good.

    I then went back to the main waiting room and the receptionist called me. She told me the nurse was happy with all my vaccinations, handed me back all my paper work, paid then left.

    I was out of the medical centre by 12.00. I was only in there for 30 minutes! Receptionist did say it was because i helped them out by being so prepared. I just followed all the advice i've gotten from here so thankyou all very much. I'd like to add that i got my vaccination reports from my GP, occupational health and my university medical centre. I was worried about my chickenpox history but since i had a varicella blood test before joining the NHS i was in the all clear. Turns out as NHS clinical staff you are advised to have the varicella vaccination if you have no history. Apparently i totally forgot i had this blood test.

    Total spent : Vaccinations, flu Tdap and MMR - free. Asked occupational health and GP.

    Medical : 245 pounds plus travel 26 pounds.

    Hopefully i have't forgotten anything and i hope this will help some one as many others have helped me.

  2. Fourteen more to go!!

    Magda pearl






    Ying and josh

    Jeff and fellicia

    P and p




    Summer eyes


    I have hardly posted on this thread instead i've just been lurking. Its so sad to see us on that list. My husband is all fine and dandy because he's like "soon you won't be able to get rid of me so enjoy your alone time" >.< I on the other hand, totally different story. I do understand what he means though. After I move to the US (hopefully!! or eventually) we'll have the rest of our lives together but still its hard (as im sure you all know) that we dont have another visit planned. We decided not to see each other till this has been approved and normally i fly over every 3 months. It's taking its toll.

    On the other hand. Congratulations to all who have received their noa2 and may the rest of us be approved soon!

  3. The worst thing for me is that i've already handed in my notice to leave work ( i have to give 3 months notice). I'm still on the rota and get to work but only like 3 days a week just to help out. Thinking back i probably shouldn't have jumped the gun and quit. I guess it gives me more time to sort my house out and stuff.
    Back up plan...if this doesn't work out they want to give me my job back.

    Only 54 days since transfer : (

  4. We sent ours out to Pheonix, AZ. on June 17th. USPS shows package as received on June 19th. Now the waiting begins! To the people who have received an email stating that their case has been received, whats the header? My hubby has an awful habit of never checking his emails (currently at 1000+ new unread emails) so if i know what the header is i can just tell him to scan his inbox. We opted not to have a text message because he never turns his phone on, or doesn't charge it.

  5. Hi all,

    Firstly i'd like to say i did use the search function but i couldn't find my answer.

    My husband and I plan to start the I-130 petition this coming janurary (just getting evidence together although we dont have much since we married end of August in the US and i left to the UK in october) We havent filed yet as money issues - didnt get my pay check from the hospital i work at : (

    My husband is planning to come to the UK at end of May for 2 months (summer vacation). So my question is does he need to stay in the US for the whole process? We're worried if they send any documents etc to his house in the US after May we would have to make arrangements for someone to collect and send to us. We're going to send the G-1145, E notification does that mean all correspondence will be sent to one of our email addresses?

    I'd like to thank this forum for providing much needed information and im fairly confident in filing this i-130 correctly. : )

    Thanks in advance

  6. Hi all,

    Im a UKC (by birth and a HKC from my parents) and my fiance is a USC and we'll be marrying in the US while im on the VWP next month. I will be returning back to the UK (got a new nursing post starting on the 1st october! XD) We'll be applying for a CR1 visa towards the end of this year. We'll be planning a wedding (we'll call it a vow renewal since we'd already be married) in the US for when i get approved (assuming i do).

    My parents are UK citizens and HK citizens. They retired back to HK a few years back and they want to be there for our vow renewal when we hold it in the states.

    So my question is, is it hard for HK citizens to get a tourist visa?

    Or would it be ok for them to use their UK passport and travel on VWP? Im not sure how it would work since they reside in the HK at the moment.

    Would any one be able to give me some advice? Thanks in advance

  7. Thanks for all your replies. I'll have to get my head together and start preparing when i finish my course i think. i can get my transcripts till i finish so i cant really check what else i need. so i guess in the mean time i'll work after my course then see how it goes. I wouldnt wanna leave the uk without knowing what i need to do.

  8. Hey all i've been reading this website for so long! lol

    A bit of background. Im a UK student nurse (will gradute as an RN with a degree in Adult nursing next summer) My boyfriend is a USC and we're planning on getting married at some point. So im either gonna go over on a fiancee or a spousal visa. My problem is i want to increase my chances of getting a nursing job wheni arrive in California. I told him i want to work here a year and get some experience before i leave and then i can take my NCLEX.

    My question is has anyone here been in my boat? What i really wanna do is leave next year as soon as i finish my course (obviously he needs to file first) but im worried about my eligiblity to take the NCLEX cause the nursing course in the states is different to the UK.

    I guess what im really looking for is some reassurance that im doing the right thing (he'll wait for me no matter what as he doesnt want me to regret leaving and finding out i cant be employed wth my degree)

    Also if i do leave as soon as i finish my course where should i look for courses to eh upgrade (i guess) my course so it's the same as the US degree so i can take the NCLEX?

    Thanks in advance


  9. Hey all,

    Thought id better join and stop lurking on the forums.

    Just a lil about myself. Uk citizen also a student nurse (graduating summer 2012). My boyfriend is a US citizen and we met while playing a game back in early 2009. Got together in September 2009. We visit each other every 3 months for a month at a time. We've known for a while that we will eventually live in California together however not too sure which way we should go about it. Apologies for just introducing myself then straight into questions - please move if this post is not in the right place.

    1, I previously graduated from University and have left myself with a student loan. Will i have to pay this off before i move to the states (assuming all visa stuff is completed etc) or can i pay it off when i start working in the us?

    2, We've discussed him applying for a fiancee visa for me so we can hopefully get that sorted and i can move to the cali after i finish my course. We had agreed on this as he did not want to interfer with my studies if we were to get married before hand. But now we're thinking about getting married this year (he kinda suggested it! but no real proposal as of yet...no ring!). Although im in two minds - i know there are people on here who are living in seperate countries to their spouse and they miss each other terribly and honestly to me, to us we know we want to be together and the wait isnt the problem (to a certain extent lol). I guess i just wanted to ask would it be easier to get the spousal visa or the k1? We know we will be husband and wife just dont know when.

    3,I've seen the guides and noticed that the k1 is slightly more expensive than the spousal and im a little confused. Which one takes longer on average?

    4,Can i still fly to the states if we apply for either visa? (he can come here instead but i get on really well with his relatives and i dont have many here anymore)

    i do have many other questions but i'll try searching them up, plus im not sure this is in the right place.

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