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Posts posted by kikayrheina

  1. hello there.i think we are riding on same boat with EAD, up to now still unable to pull up any info online but my AOS receipt number i was able to pull it up.tried to call numerous times and the level2 rep told me that system is not updated realtime.as long as it is within processing time which is 3 months for my service center which is California then there should't be a problem. they received our application 07/07/11 and i had my biometrics appt. 07/27/11.i'm sure it will come. goodluck.you can check my timeline.

  2. my now husband purchased my ticket from Delta, what he did just to be sure is that you go to the airport and have them validate your valid ID and your credit card...then when your fiancee check-in rep would be able to see that it has been validated...there shouldnt be a problem...goodluck

  3. i am sorry if you are experiencing that kind of problem, just have faith and communication is the key. i arrived here 8th of June and it was my 2nd month 2 days ago. believe me it's hard especially if you are used to being independent, can go out by yourself. me being here is really difficult coz i still cant work, i cant drive, i cant go to the mall by myself.its really depressing to think that you can do all of those things before without any problem, but i guess that's part of adjustment. but the thought and the wonderful feeling of being with your hubby is the best reward. i know once i have a job i wont have time to think how boring my life can be. what i am doing now is enjoying every moment coz once EAD is here its gonna be different. i wish you goodluck. she shouldn't really be bored coz you guys got kids.

  4. hello there...

    you still have to send an I-485 as this is the adjustment of status form together with your I-30 and you can include also I-765 for your work permit...

    you can check this guide....you wouldnt go wrong if you have all of these forms and important documents...


    goodluck and congratulations..

  5. I am married to an Asian too not a Filipino but a Taiwanese.yeah same ethnicity but definitely different culture...all i know is that when you both decide to file for a petition such as K-1, both of you should be ready for any changes.it's not as simple as just filing papers and viola you're in US, both parties are making some sacrifices but the thought of finally being together is very rewarding.

  6. Manila Applicants:

    My case should already be at the US Embassy. But how do I follow up with them?

    In previous cases I have called only to speak with a robot who leads you in circles then cuts the call on you.

    so how do i follow up? :blink:

    hello...i've been through same ######, sorry for the language..anyways,you can email Manila US Embassy

    here is the email: IVManilaReplies@state.gov

    you have to include your MNL case number, Your Name, Type of Visa

    I'm sure you will receive a reply from them after 3working days.


  7. You say that you haven't done AOS and don't have your EAD and that money is tight. It sounds like you haven't been here that long? I can imagine it being very stressful after the long wait for your K1 and the reality of life has sunk in. I think we all go through this process no matter what visa is being applied for thinking how wonderful things will be when we are finally with our loved one...and then after a brief "honeymoon" phase, the real life day to day stuff comes and plonks itself down in our laps. You being the immigrant are going through adjustments of being here and not working which I know can be very difficult for many people. I know when I immigrated to the UK I went through a phase where I was MISERABLE....not working, not knowing anyone...and once I started working things were MUCH better. Hubby didn't feel like the sole provider anymore and I felt a bit more independent. Glyn was the same way when he came here...depressed and nervous, and we argued a lot. It got much better when he started working and venturing out on his own. Add your young child into the mix and the pressure is even worse. Give it some time, talk together and LISTEN to each other. Couples argue and yes, it can get heated but if its not violent, figure out what the cause of the arguing is. Stress and money problems are a major cause of couples splitting up...but talking together really does help.

    Good luck....I wish you the best.

    i definitely agree with you, i got here almost 2 months ago and me and my now hubby always have misunderstanding, but we both learned to talk things out, which is really important...i admit i also feel miserable not being able to work and not knowing anyone, but we both waited patiently for us to be together and now we are here which is all we ever wanted we both agreed we'll work things out. communication is the key, it doesn't matter how complicated things are...reality would always kick in but it is how it is, live each day one at a time....

  8. CO will ask when does she plan to go to US, plus there are some forms wherein you have to answer your estimated date to leave for US....

    whatever you put there wont be taken against you, especially if you werent able to leave on that said date...

    its more if assurance that you got plans already and you guys talked about it...

    once she gets approved, within 6 months from approval she needs to leave for US...

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