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Posts posted by MinnielovesMickey

  1. hi...i think it is really normal not hear from USCIS for 1 month...just be patience you might hear something from them later on this coming days.But if it is beyond a month already you have to call them.Track the package also if USCIS really received your case.I waited for 1month and few days before i heard soemthing from USCIS and it was notice action saying they received my case.It has a lot of worries waiting for updates from USCIS i've been on that situation,i even blame the post office,thinking of negative thing why no news yet etc..they cashes my check almost a month also.

  2. awe!..whatever the reason sister they still suspect you attempted to suicide,and it can be habitual or risk, that is really all about psychiatric,as my perspective doesn't mean they can deny your visa for having suicidal attempt,this can be just a risk factor,all i know they will just do assesment,counsil etc..if they found out your tottaly recovered from previous event,they will give you something and you can have your interview and visa..

    Do not worry much,they just want to make sure you are fine,they might ask for few visits or follow up only...

  3. I keep trying to schedule an appointment online and keep getting this message on the Application verification page of the K-1 visa appointment scheduling icon on the scheduling an immigrant visa page:

    Warning! The category you have selected is intended for returning residents/SB-1 visa applicants only. If you do not belong to this category, please do not use this category to schedule an appointment. If you do so, and you are not a returning resident/SB-1 visa applicant, you will not be interviewed, even if you present yourself at the Embassy on the scheduled date. Consequently, you will need to book another appointment under the proper category.

    This wasn't coming up before. What can I do now to schedule? I wasted $20 in phone cards last week trying to schedule by phone.

    Same here,we encounter that warning,i guess keep trying to schedule appointment online,or ask you fiance to be the one to call @ embassy-call to schedule an appoinment it will be less charges if he/she one to call here..it would be great to call using landline/phone.


  4. Hello VJers. Can anyone tell me how the medical exam for K-1 conducteed? I mean what is the process of it, is it a "head-to-toe" assessment? I've heard that the examinee will be naked, is it true??????????? Please let me know. Thanks.

    hi,u could see those information about how they do medical exam at the back of PDS something like that which is not comprehensive and only chest XRAY,blood test,urine test,eye test would check to you..the way we do physical exam in hospital could be little bit different to physical exam there at SLMC,kinda a rush,time matters,only few minutes and ur done,1)doctor will just ask your health history,what you've said will be documented,then you'll be ask to be undress,put a gown and lye to the table,she asked me to raise my hand and put it under my head,i really cant believed what she did to me its just a glance to my private part and said ok ur done!that's why i asked her again,im done?yah ur done,she just palpate my abdomen but on upper part around the chest she only did was touched on one vertical stroke lol,like wiping a table in one stroke,lol..cause on our patient we always do a complete PE,maybe she just trust me,instead of checking she just asked me..they are more concern about your chest xray cause any negative result of that could lead to infectious,communicable so make sure your chest xray is normal,nothing to worry cause i passed and you'll pass ,all of us will passed :dance:

    regarding immunization,i thought what i've seen to my sister's package from embassy(k1) before will be given to us,like HPV vaccine but doctor said it's not done anymore they only giving those basic or typical vaccination like tdap,dpt,varicella,etc..they gave me 4 shots/injections.

    all i could say i'm one the luckiest who passed their medical,so thankful to GOD.

    my advice is go there at early in the morning so u will be finish before lunch,it's not really safe there outside,so for those who are not familiar in place do your medical at early morning.Goodluck! :)

  5. Your post have never generated anything worthwhile to a conversation. Sorry, but my fiancée is not the cleaning lady. You are now on my ignore list.


    :thumbs: your so right!! he (talcoon) didn't even know what he's saying :bonk: very sorry for those people considering their wife as a cleaning lady not as a partner.

  6. Get her a scrub bucket to clean the house, have her clean the cars, have her mow the yard, have her prepared 3 meals per day for you, Have her bath the dog.

    She don't want to hang around the house watching TV all day, Get her a car and let her drive around, or get her a bike and let her cruise while you are at work....

    doesn't mean having her to have those channels she will watch it for whole day,leisure time is so different from house chore :bonk: meaning it is something can make u relax,fun and enjoyable ,do not try to shift your leisure time to those activities you mentioned above or else you'll end up with like this :crying::angry::no:

  7. Thats maybe good for u but not for others . (1 ) --u can just jump on a plane or take a road trip and see yr fiancee once a month , (2) It is easy and cheap to communicate with each other , (3) Maybe you guys have all the time in the world before you marry and start a family , (4) you dont miss having yr love ones close to u . I am just saying :lol: . Calling or sending a request to my congressman is my democratic right as a Us citizen .

    Right dude! :thumbs: having far from each other really suck!and 5months waiting that is enough,cause some being approved for less than a month and why they couldn't just do it for those who waited for many months?if the reason only was for training why they wont choose those papers who already stock, and it's in bottom.

  8. hi everyone!i want to ask if anyone knows what are the requirements to apply as a nurse in california.im a filipino and i want to bring with me the requirements i needed to apply there. I haven't take my NCLEX yet.maybe il take it there. i want to get some other requirements other than that..what are the documents i need to bring with me..

    hope someone can enlighten my mind on what to do and requirements i need..thanks in advance

    hello!one of the requirements if u want to take the nclex there you must have SSN(it is soemthing like social security number)but u cant get that while you here like me,but i passed the nclex last 2009(i took nclex here in philippines without requiring ssn)now in california i know they changed that rule,one of those requirement are getting an SSN ,now i cant endorse my license from arkansas to california cause they require me to have SSN first(now,in any states that is one of the requirement when u want to endorse your license)

    Try to look at some states,i think you can have your nclex exam without requiring you to have SSN just like me,but if u really want to take nclex only in california,just wait teh time you'll get there so you can have your ssn..

    i really cant remember in detailed what i sent :bonk: but bring those important document like 1.)TOR


    3.)License certification from prc


  9. Congratulations also. Your working for Uncle Sam now according to your profile. My hat is off to you. Could you tell us how your deployments are going. What is your assignment? Your MOS? What is it like? What is your Conus duty station? What do you do for fun? From a Combat VET.

    Congratulations also. Your working for Uncle Sam now according to your profile. My hat is off to you. Could you tell us how your deployments are going. What is your assignment? Your MOS? What is it like? What is your Conus duty station? What do you do for fun? From a Combat VET.

    Thank you!That is my fiance,he used to be in army.


    Congratulations to you both! We got the same email yesterday as well! :) Yay, March 7th!

    awe!..Congratulation !!

  10. Oh GOD your so nice to US,on our Anniversary yesterday im not aiming for any gift from you or from mickey,BUT you gave me ANOTHER BIG GIFT!!!whoooooo hooooo!I am so happy today!i think im the happiest species this day!

    My co-worker asked me yesterday while im so busy working as medication nurse about "what his gift?" i answer nothing,he was so busy yesterday cant even send anything..now when i open my email here the message i read..


    The last processing action taken on your case

    Receipt Number: WAC1190013904

    Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)

    Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

    On March 7, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

    Guys keep praying,your NOA2 will be next!i'll keep praying for those who keep waiting and exceed their timeline :) We waited 150days for NOA2

  11. hi...from what i know,ptb have 6months continious treatment and by 2 weeks of treatment you shouldn't be contagious anymore,Ptb is can be easy to treat and if ur asking about medical exam here in philippines i think once she's already undergoing a treatment,st lukes will just recommend her for check up and this will just delay the visa approval for few weeks or month or not a problem anymore cause she wouldn't be contagious anymore :thumbs: so there's a doubt if US embassy here would hold her visa.


  12. you are not alone!i always check it too..i just keep praying dude!

    you know what is on my mind every time i get disappointed,seeing always an initial review from uscis website ?

    i thought of...hmmmm when we would have 10 yrs anniversary maybe i will just smile with this disappointment i felt now,you will just feel this is just one tiny test.

    uscis cannot beat us guys!if there's a true love,there is a true patiently waiting to be happen :) and find another good way if this wouldn't work out,that is our plan,just to be together everyday :)

    HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY in advance (L)

  13. u really cant explain how exactly u feel,happy,doubt,unbelievable!surprised that u thought things can only see in a movie hehehe!the first time i saw him i just keep smiling but my knee was shaking a little bit lol,so shy..and we promise we would kiss each other,but didn't happened lol i only knew from the time i saw his face i felt that i knew him for very long time as if we've been together before,and filipina usually shy to be a public attention,so it's always as usual for the first time to have formality introduction,but mike didnt introduced himself,he just grab my hand which was sweating from nervous lol,as if i felt that time weather on philippines has been in highest degree lol... but one thing for sure i felt was....SO HAPPY,i was the happiest nervous girl in earth! (L):)

    Good luck girl! :D

  14. oh my god!as i was reading this i thought it's like an ordinary story but not!Hope some could realized this,as i've reading this i was thinking of jane,why other people really happy being a HOME Wrecker!

    As a couple,we really have to appreciate every little things that our partner given to us,their effort just to make us happy,but some are so busy being a kinda DREAMING SO HIGH,working a lot of time choose to spend overtime from work than their family(thinking money is the only matters) choose to spend their time together with their friends,drinking,etc..

    Some just looking at their wife to do all the stuff in home,taking care the kids,some didn't have any time to help their kids to do the home work.

    so touched about this story,the wife still did a good thing for her husband til her last breath-wants her son to look at his father as a GOOD HUSBAND while having a another woman,JANE a HOME WRECKER!

    yah,if u let your relationship having a lack of intimacy you will find ur marriage broken into pieces...honestly,we really don't need a lot of things in life to be sweet on our partner,dont wasted every seconds just to fight to each other,dont waste time every second without your partner on your side,so once all of us here given chance by god,do our best for our family or fiance to be happy,be loyal,be faithful,be a best lover!

    hope Uscis can read this article so that they will realized that their getting that every seconds,minutes,hours,days,weeks,months from our love ones!

  15. pushbrk is right!in my case,i worked for only 6months also but still i put there i worked for 6months,the more u think it will be easier to put none in occupational experience the more u will have problem in future(possible) or not(your lucky if teh embassy wouldn't look for that),just be honest.All submitted documents must true for your safety :thumbs:

    Good luck to the journey!

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