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Posts posted by jim&nay

  1. thanks for your help duke and shellie

    But what i need to know really is if I even have to file one?

    I have to have this document to travel if I have not had my adjustment of status approved, right? AS July is 10 months in the future, it is likely that I will be approved by then, and therefore am I jumping the gun by applying for this now when I may not need it? I am not paying the $305 dollars for the sake of it.

  2. Thanks for the info on this thread.

    My DS-3025 was marked (application will defer vaccinations) on a Tdap and MMR.

    After reading all instructions I was aware I had to make an appointment with civil surgeon, they will administer the two vaccinations and sign the relevant parts of the I-693.

    Getting to the civil surgeon, they seemed to think I would need all my vaccinations and bloodwork again, of course costing me $$$$$ (covered on husbands insurance but even so!!) as I had "no proof this had been done". I know POE Immigration took my medical records, they did however give me back the CD which only had my chest xray on it.

    I know I dont need them all!!!! Where or how can i convince the Civil Surgeon of this!?!??!?!?!?!

    Help my a ppointment is today......

  3. Hi Everyone

    I have gotten myself confused with the I-131 form.

    I entered us on 3rd October 20111 and I am currently getting the paperwork together for I-485 Adjustment of Status.

    I wqas going to attached a I-131 Application for travel document as we are having a symbolic wedding in Mexico next July.

    There is no guide on timescale, so Im am not sure if I even need a I-131 for a trip this far into the future?

    If I should use this form just in case, which section am I? advanced Parole or REentry????

    Reentry states:

    "renetry allows a permanent resident or conditional resident to apply for admission to th eUS"


  4. Dear all

    There is a lot of conflicting information on the forums on here (or maybe I am not comprehending - or the search function isnt very good!)

    How ever can anyone please help me regarding my acquision of an SSN

    After POE, We were to marry 16 days later. Therefore I didnt see the point in going to get a SSN after 14 days, to then return after two days to change my name. In my many consulants to this site, I somehow thought this was the easiest way to get my SSN.

    So on the same day I went to NYC city Clerk office and got marrage certificate and duplicates, and then wandered over to Federal Plaza to get an SSN number. After waitng 45mins the lady behind the desk said I couldnt apply for an SSN and officialy I was no longer K1 becuase I was married (and i did fill in my SSN form with my new name), so my 1-94 was invalid. She told me to go down to immigrations on teh first floor and speak to them.

    The guy there didnt really seem to know what to do, and kept telling me SSN was a different organisation. He seemed to think that either I had to wait until I had recieved my EAD (unthinkable) or at the very least the letter you received from immigration informing you your application has been received - apparently this would label me "Pending Temporary Permanent Resident".

    I said I need my SSN to be covered on my Husbands medical insurance and it was unthinkable that I had to wait up to 90 days for this, he kinda shrugged and said he didnt know!!!!!

    So after reading some thinsg on here, some people had copied and pasted a lot of text on the forums which doesnt really answer my question...

    Do I have to wait for EAD now I didnt apply for SSN in my K1 Status???

    If not, what do I need to talk with me to SSN to bloody prove to them I can get one.

    Or, should have I have got it with my maiden name (I mean if this is the case thats outrageous to be honest, and i cannot believe that as a K1 visa immigrant I would have not been informed that this is the case by immigration, and also my past posts ive put on here - no one warned me this could happen?)

    Please please help!


  5. the time around Thanksgiving will be diff, but I have my interview on a Friday (23rd sept) and received the docs in my hand the following Thursday. Also, the lady at the embassy did tell me they would issue my visa within 3 working days, So I knew to expect it on the 4th (the courier service is next day delivery). Therefore, you can poss ask this q and then maybe book your flight after your interview. Again, no guarentees, so buy a changeable ticket. I didnt risk it at all and I waiting till I got everything in my hand until I booked my flight. Good Luck!!!

  6. You probably wouldnt want to wait, but there is a photo booth in the embassy itself I noticed. This is probably for people who dont have the right colour or dimensions on the photots they brought with them. If my memeory serves me they were 5pounds. I printed them out myself on gloss photo paper and they were accepted fine. Use the online tools as jojo siad (although I didnt, I dont it with some jiggery pockery in microsoft word!)

  7. Thanks Nich-Nick but still confused.

    As I have already submitted a I-134 within my packet 3, do I need to prepare a duplicate of the whole thing (inc all my finacee's financial information and get him to SIGN the form) to take with me. Or can I tell her to look in the Packet 3 file?

    And that copy and paste you added from the website - I read that as all teh forms I mailled for Packet 3, I wasnt supposed to and will need to present tham all on the day of interview too?

    I do have copies of everything, the only thing I would need to do is get my finacee to sign and post me documents that he had to sign.

    And what is the point of sending it in as Packet 3 if you need to reproduce it at the interview?!?!?!?

  8. Hey Manda

    I have got my interview in London in 2 weeks and I've only just realised I have to call and pay. My Interview letter DID NOT come with payment instructins and to be honest if I werent being a nervous wreck about the whole thing scouring the internet and reading every post on this site I wouldnt have even known!!!!!! I wud have been devestated!!

    *Kristin* is right about the contact details - I hope, Im trying tomorrow :-)

  9. Hi

    So I have my K1 interview in London on 23rd September - woohoo!!!

    Now Im being a good girl and getting all my paper work together, but I've hit a wall with the affidavit issues.

    On the Embassy website when Im looking down the checklist of what I need, I click the 1-864 link to the affidavit of support page. As I read it states that an I-864 is NOT required when aplying for a Fiancee visa (needed at AOS).

    Therefore do I need to take an affidavit at all???

    We submitted a I-134 at packet 3 stage...... I am taking all of Packet 3 with me, but just copies of the forms, not signed or not accompanying info (like my Fiances proof of earnings that go with the form - we submitted originals)


    Thanks in advance :-)

  10. Thank you all very much for your responces!

    Nich-Nick - most consise answer as always :-)

    Glyn and Kathy - you hit the nail on the head - enjoy it!!! i know ive had bloody months of worrying about this form and that form, etc. but I still have 6 weeks to wait till I get over there (estimated!) therefore, may as well use this time to try and prep as much as I can! FYI, Im moving to New York, and so Im sure your driving advice applies there. You all helped me out a lot, thanks :-)

  11. SO after becoming obsessed with a number of acroymns like NOA DOS and the likes, I have an interview date. Thank the Lord!

    So What happens after POE? I feel the K1 visa flow charts don’t give you enough information about what happens when you enter the country.

    I am assuming, after reading numerous sources, that in my specific situation, it will happen like this:

    1. POE

    2. Rush off to fill in SSN

    3. Get married (we having a quickie in city hall)

    4. go back to change my name in SSN

    5. (in the mean time change my name on my British passport?? Can I get forms and do it easy from British consulate NYC? I won’t need it to travel for at least 6 months so time not and issue, but should I keep hold on it as I will need it for the following processes?)

    6. Once I get a SSN I can be legally employed????? Employers will consider my CV/Resume in applications?

    7. Start to adjustment of status process, which includes a lot of forms (again!)

    8. adjustment of status turns me into a permanent resident and I get a permanent resident card? What time scale is this?

    9. At what point can I take my driving test? how long does my UK drivers license "last", or can be used for?

    I know all you lot who have done this know it like the back of your hand!!!! Spell it out for me please! 

  12. I had a medical a couple of weeks ago. I did state I once had an STI in 2007, which was mentioned but thats it. I was off work with depression at the time of the medical and stated this, and the doctor at Knightsbridge did ask me to confirm that I wasnt on meds and that it was an isolated incident by getting my GP to write (costing me £40) and fax a letter to the surgery BEFORE they could send if forward to the Embassy. Luckily for me I just rushed home, the doc got one typed and sent and it only put 2 days on my timescale.

    AS well as taking a peak down your knickers, my doctor was a bit "fresh"! I had a gown on and she just asked me to lay down and then felt my breasts and stomach without warning! So just lay back and allow it. They dont have access to your medical records at all. SO I guess you could withold any information you want to. Good Luck!!! p.s its a longer walk from Bond Street then you think! :-)

  13. Hi Sophie and Nate

    I am also in the same position as you, well maybe 2 weeks behind. My medical is done and packet 3 sent and I called the embassy in London today to see if they received my packet 3. The nice man on the phone said it takes them 2-4 weeks to process the DS-230 Part 1 etc etc and I should call back then and he would be able to TELL ME THE INTERVIEW DATE OVER THE PHONE!!! Therefore, seems like you should be calling them round about now! beats waiting for the postman :-)

    Find their number here,


    have have you case number handy.

    With Regards to your interview and photos, no harm in taking some. I sent photos of me with my finaces family and him with mine etc as proof of our continual relationship. I have also read alot on line that you should take copies of everything you have ever submitted to them to the interview, like all you I-129f forms etc etc, as there has been reports that certain forms have been "mislayed" and if your able to produce them there and then, then it can only go in your favour. Therefore, whilst you wait for your interview date, wont hurt to get you finace to resign (if you didnt take photocopies of the original) forms which required his signatures and post them over to you.

    Good Luck!!!!! I know how you feel, this final hurdle is the worst :-(

  14. Dear All,

    I have read on a few timelines that some people have actually sent packet 3 to their (in this case London) embassy before even recieving it from them, as they knew what was required of them.

    After my previous post on here, with all your help I got a good list of what I think they will need for this packet, which I will list here:




    i-134 and accompanying material from petitioner

    Revisted letter of intent from both parties

    fresh proof of relationship information

    ..police certificate??? (I know I need this for my medical, do I add to this packet - may as well?)

    *Medical results are sent seperatly from practioner*

    Our case left NVC Vermont on 8th July, I already have my medical booked for 21st July, so I have a feeling my medical will be done before I get packet 3 from embassy.

    The question is, do I send in my packet 3 before I get it from the embassy? DO I call to make sure they have the case and then I be ok to send? I have no idea what this packet, or usually just a letter looks like, can anyone post a copy of theirs on here, preferably from the London Embassy, or type out EXACTLY what it says - in the hope I can speed this process up?

    Thank you in Advance

    Jimmy and Nadine

    Appologies - we are applying for K1 visa from Uk to USA, both previosuly unmarried.

  15. Dear All,

    As we all know time is against us when completely this K1 process, so during my long NOA2 wait I want to prepare as much information as I can so when I get the beneficary pack from the embassy I have documentation ready.

    The excellent K1 visa guides on this site does not give informaiton on what exactly this pack, called ("foreign beneficiary complies required forms" in the K1 flow chart )will consist of, apart from the I-134 Affidavit form.

    I am British and my fiance American.

    Do I need a police check, can I get this now (I am current ~3 weeks ahead of my estimated NOA2 deadline) or is this too early? How long does this take? Is this what is know in England as a standard CRB check?

    Can anyone give me information on medicals? What is the registered physician list like? eg are there loads of doctors around the country I can visit or will it more likely be one in a major city?

    Vacinations - am I hopeing!! that the NHS will provide me this information from their database of my medical register? What process do I have to go through to gain this?

    If someone can just list exactly what was required of them in this pack then I can try and be super organised :-)

    Thanks for you Help everyone

    Nadine xxx

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