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Posts posted by ljj

  1. I need some advice. My husband and I haven't really "comingled" our finances. We have seperate bank accounts except for one, for no other reason then he had his accounts established and I am banking with another bank that lets me access my Candian banking easily. His name is on the mortgage because he already owned the house when we got married. We also don't have any joint credit cards. Am I totally screwed??? I have been happily living my married life, and unfortunately, never really thought about having to prove that it is real. I am supposed to submit my packet this Friday, and I guess it is my own fault for not being more prepared. Help!

  2. I am getting ready to submit my I-751 package and I am starting to worry it won't be enough. My husband and I have seperate bank accounts since I bank with RBC beacuse of investments and stuff I still have in Canada, and he already had existing bank accounts with BofA. We have one joint account that our tax returns go into, but thats it, so we don't really use it much. Is this going to be a problem? Also, my husband already owned the house, so I am not on the mortgage. Any suggestions? Should I be freaking out?

  3. Ok, I think I have read every post on using Custom House (which is now owned by Western Union) and banking with RBC. I have no idea what to do! I NEED to get some money here, and hopefully my EI cheques (a whole other disaster story) are going to finally start coming soon, and I could really use access to this money. I contacted Custom House and tried to open an account, but they needed me to get a form filled out by a guarantor, and I haven't been able to do this. Is it worth my while to try and open an RBC account in Canada? I currently bank with PC Financial (I still have my parents address as my mailing address so that I don't have to close my accounts) and have several accounts with them, including my RRSP. At this point I just really need some good advice on the best way to get money here (and the cheapest :D ). Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

  4. So the big day is finally here, and I am finally moving tomorrow! I think I have everything ready to go, but any feedback/suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

    1. I have my SEALED brown envelope

    2. Passport with VISA

    3. Itemized list of what is in the vehicles

    4. Letter from FORD so that I can import my vehicle

    Am I missing anything?


  5. I am planning on doing my POE the second week of August at the Rainbow Bridge in Buffalo. My husband is driving up here to help with packing and everything and then for the POE he is driving his car across, I am driving my car, and my parents are driving their car. All three cars are going to be packed with all of my stuff. I know I need to go in and meet with customs agents etc, but I am not sure what my parents and husband should tell the border guard. Should I cross first and have them cross directly behind me so they can pull over and wait as well? Any information you have would be very helpful!

  6. So about a week and a half ago I got my interview confirmation from NVC saying that my interview is scheduled for June 27th. However, when I log on to the Montreal consulate web-site it says that I don't have an interview date scheduled yet. Is this normal or should I be worried and be trying to contact someone? Thanks!

  7. I am so frustrated...my mom lost my vaccination card, so now I am scrambling to get proof of vaccination as my medical is June 6! I called Peel Health, but they have destroyed the record, so now I am heading to get titres done. Does anyone know how long it takes to get the results of the titres back? Should I be trying to reschedule my medical?

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