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Status Updates posted by AskewAlonzo

  1. to facebook tory askew from north carolina

  2. she has to pick up her visa on monday if she dont get it b4 monday, hang in there its coming, add me to

  3. she pickin up her passport on monday, if she dont get it b4 monday, im goiong to meet her in mia, then we flyin to raliegh,but i be in CT for christmas, we need to get up and have drinks, add me to facebook if u like tory askew from north carolina

  4. hello? just wanted to say do u remember me??? lol, so why did u have to pay 215us, and i only had to pay 210us, i was the guy that was behind u in the line when we was payin, congrats!!! we got aproved the same day, 27th of sept, so what is ur plan for the poe???

  5. hello???? how u been? just want to see if u remember me? im the guy that was in front of u when we was payin the 210us from nc, we got aprroved also, and i just got back to the states, so whats ur plan for the poe?

  6. been waiting for my new case number form nvc, got email on may 25th i was aprroved, got hard copy on may 31st, whats the hold up??? im going loco, missing my baby

  7. i got my noa2 on may 25th can u plz let me know when u recieved ur new case number from nvc? im still waiting and wainting and waiting. thank u again!!!

  8. i called and they said (didint have my case number on file yet) so im still waitin and waitin and waitin. but i will call on thursday

  9. thank you so much, i just went to the mailbox and got my hard copy of noa2 yeah mee

  10. im still waiting on my SDO number,so howlong do u think it will take for my intetview date? im so ready to go its killing me! lol

  11. no journey is to great when one finds what they seek___ no viaje es a grande cuando tu encontrar cual ellos buscar

  12. im sorry it was may 25th,

  13. where in Haiti ur love one is at?

    that is a beautiful country, i havent been back since the earthqake,becouse my friends move to DR,but im going back when i go to the DR to get my future wife.

  14. im so happy for everybody who has love ones in the DR and want to bring them to the USA, and we all need to get together and have a big party

  15. holo, como estas? i was just reading ur story on how you and him meet, and the day both of you got engaged, we did too, i was in DR, at aventura concert, and got down on one knee and asked her to marry me. of course she said yes, and know the journy begins

  16. I just want to say congrad. and it will be my pleasure to follow the rest of your jouney, becouse my timeline is close to yours, like when u go to the embassy in DR, and the questions they ask you, and the total amount you paid for everything, im soo happy im going back to DR to get my esposa

  17. got my noa2 on may 5th, how much longer do i have to wait? and when we marry can we take are honeymoon in Mexico???

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