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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #9245

Review on March 1, 2012:


Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Our Interview was scheduled on Jan 27 at 830 am. My husband arrived at the Embassy well prepared. Interving Officer only asked him when did we meet and who introduced us. After those questions the IO began grilling him on my previous marriage. He asked maybe 15-20 questions about my husband, when we married, why we separated, when we divorced. Im guessing because I met my husband while I was married but separated for 3 years. After answering all the questions to the best of his ability, IO requested a me to come in for a petitioner interview for Feb. 2 7am. I arrived at the Embassy. After waiting almost 2 hours IO finally called me up, interview me. Asked me about my Ex- husband and then left me standing at the window for about 15 minutes, come back to tell me to go to window 25. Window 25 was actually a room where they stokes interviewed us 1st separately then together. We were interviewed by a very nice Jamaican woman. She really was an angel in disguise. After the interviews, we were told have a seat and wait. Another hour pass were told to go back to the window where the original IO was. The Jamaican IO and the original IO talked he came back to us laughing and smiling and said approved...Welcome to America. Go pay DHL!!!I almost drop, but no before I gave God some Praise..I was so happy. I dont ever want to deal with the US Embassy in Kingston ever again in life. that place will kill your nerves

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