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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #852

Atlanta GA Review on September 18, 2006:


Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

I figured this thing was going like clockwork as we got no rfe's for anything previously. Even got ead within a couple of months, then ssn, no problems.

Today was our interview. Wife's scheduled at 1 son's at 1:30.

We got Ms Attilla the Hun.

Straight to business. Felt like we were being interviewed by LCDR Data on Star Trek NG.

State your name... have you been or have you ever:

Questions from the application - terrorism, prostitute, communist, etc.
When is your birthday? When were you married? Where were you born? All to my wife.

To me:
How did you meet?

She asks if we got updated medicals, handed over two sealed envelopes with the latest.

Not one inference to our son at all. Not even a glance. Then (quote):

"Proof of life together."

Scramble scramble for bank statement, IRS letters (indisputable proof eh?) in both our names, Tons of photos (she looked at all of them, going back to when we first met in 2002 in Russia), and our lease. That was it. While she was asking the questions she was going through our 1+ inch think file and browsed thru everything, made a few initials here and there... it was like there was nothing wrong. (I kept waiting for her to pull out a blowtorch and set it on fire at any second though - the silence was un-nerving).

Then she told us to wait outside while she kept our id's, wife's passport, photos and ahem... `proof of life together`. I picked up our box full of now useless documentation and wife and son followed me outside.

Thirty minutes later she reappeared at the door and motioned us to come and then called another couple at the same time. Now this is where it gets weird and I get confused. While she's guiding in the other couple she hands me our stuff back (without I94 and EAD) and says words to the effect of "something" or "letter "... in the mail effective today.

Swoosh... the door closes. I hardly had a chance to say thank you. But yet I don't know what I was thanking her for?

There was NO stamp in the passport.

I feel reasonably certain that we were approved, as I'm sure they would've told us if there was anything wrong.

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