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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #6210

Hong Kong, China Review on June 15, 2010:



Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

It was a long haul at the consulate. My husband's interview is scheduled at 8:30am on Monday June 7. We arrived there at 8:15am. At the door, there are 2 guards checking people's name. We gave them hubby's interview letter and his Hong Kong ID. The checked his name off and ask who is having the interview. We said my husband. The female guard would not let me inside. She said that their policy is only allowed the person to be interviewed inside the consulate. I said that I asked the embassy before and they confirmed that I can wait with my hubby inside the embassy at the waiting room because I'm a US citizen. But the lady would not let me in. She direct me to an open area and said to wait there. Because we don't want our hubby to be late for his interview, we didn't protest at that time. So my hubby went inside.

I waited outside for about 20minutes, double checking the e-mail the embassy replied me earlier. And didn't think that's right. I asked the guards again, the lady keep refusing me, but the male guard upon hearing that I'm a US citizen, and I have my passport with my hubby, he gave me a cell phone to called up to the VISA unit to confirm I can be let in. thank goodness for that male guard and that call, I'm allowed to join my hubby in the waiting room.

They chcked your bags at the door and took all you electronic device, lighter and hold it for you. Then I was directed to go up to the 1st floor to the immigrant VISA unit on the right hand side. My hubby was already there giving his documents to the lady. He said that they hand a checklist for him to organize his document in a specific order. Then the lady ask if I am with him. I said yes, I"m his wife. THen she asked if we bring any evidence. We handed her a big folder (60 pages-double sided clear view folder with pictures, chatlog, e-mails, boarding pass, phone record, etc; and a 2nd clear view folder with all our joint account info, Credit cards with both of our name--pictures of the CC and statement) She was a little amazed when she saw our evidence packets. She then asked some basic questions: when we marry, when I arrive Hong Kong, when do I plan to leave this time. She speak Cantonese, and it's weird that she was asking me the questions. She then told us to sit down and wait.

At about 9:15am, there's an announcement saying the they will start taking finger prints at about 9:30am, at this time, a short video was shown about the process.

We were called to the window again at 10am. The same lady who checked our documents asked us both to the window. She starts asking questions directed to my hubby: how we meet, when we meet. But her voice was so serious and straight, my hubby were too nervous and got a little scared, and lost his words a few times. So, she started asking me the questions instead. She flipped through our folder, ask where a specific picture was taken, when did my hubby give me the flowers shown in several pictures. She asked tons of questions: how many times I flew back to Hong Kong to visit him, why they are such short visits (less than 10days each time), how I manage to take so many days off. When I immigrated to the USA, etc. She then asked me to sit down, and question my hubby for another 20 minutes. I just heard him answered very nervously. All the questioning was done in Cantonese. He then was told to sit down again.

We sat together again at 10:45am...and from what we observe, the 2 ladies were very serious---they are like cops quesitoning criminals...so many other applicants were so nervous because of they voice and lost they words and get too scared.

My hubby was called to another window at about 11:20am to have his finger print taken. After that, the first lady asked hubby if he needs an interpreter during the interview, and he said yes. Hubby was called to the window at the far end towards the inside of the room at 11:45am. The interview was conducted there with the American officer, the interpreter, and my hubby all standing. The first question the officer asked was "where is your wife?", my hubby said she's here and asked me to join him. Then the officer told my hubby to sworn about making true statement. The officer asked me where I live, when we get married. He then asked hubby what he does for work, and when does he plan to leave Hong Kong if he was approved. Then the officer said he doesn't have any more questions, and another lady will tell us what to do next.

Another lady told us we were approved at that same window, told us to paid the HK$25 postage fee at the ground floor, and said our visa will arrive in about 3-4 business days. We confirmed that we would receive his Visa before Friday. She told us what to bring at the POE: The envelope, his passport; and said to put the X-ray at the bottom of his checked bag.

We went downstairs to paid for the mailing fee, there was a long line at the counter, and got a tracking number. Finally leave the embassy at about 12:15am.

Hope the above helps...just lots of waiting around, and don't be scared or get too nervous during the first part before seeing the officer. It seems like the first lady wrote a report/summary based on our response and our evidence packet for the officer to review. Dress more formally(not too casual in jeans) if you like. My hubby was the only one that morning who wore a suit to the interview, and we think that helped to give a positive first impression.

I might have missed some details, search my profile and send me a message if you have questions: yuenashleysl

Good luck!!

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