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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #32933

Peru Review on February 6, 2024:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

My partner had his visa appointment on January 30 at 9:30AM. We decided to go early so got to the consulate at 8AM.

LINE 1: There was a huge line that would call up the people by appointment times. For example they would say: "Now serving 8:15 appointments". Presumably those in line with the 8:15 appointments would step out of line in an orderly fashion and go to the next line. Sometimes people shoved though but overall there was order. While in line you will see people let you know you need passport sized photos and a copy of the DS-160 and they were offering to print at a charge.

If you had belongings you were able to leave them at the table before the line. We opted to not take any electronics so didn't go through this line.

LINE 2: Once our time slot had been called we made our way to the next line. Here they asked everyone to have their DS-160, passport, and passport size photo in hand. While you waited in line some workers were reviewing documents to make sure you had what you needed. When it was my partner's turn he let them know I was there accompanying him as he was applying for the K visa.

LINE 3: Once they heard it was a K-1 visa, they moved us out from this line and moved us to a much shorter line (went from 40 people in front of us to just 1). This line was going to the same windows so we just waiting until we were called. Here they reviewed his documents and my passport and gave him a number for his case and gave me a visitor pass.

LINE 4: At this point we were instructed to go to the final line outside. This line is what had you go through security so you could make your way inside. Everything was very orderly and everyone in single file. There was some confusion with the security guard as she kept asking me for my identity documents when she had my passport in her hand. After informing her a third time that she already had my passport and after she put my partner and I on the side letting us know we couldn't go in unless I had an identity documents, she scolded me for not letting her know in advance that she already had my passport. She gave my documents to the security guard and informed us I had to wait for clearance. After a couple minutes we were able to go inside.

SECURITY CHECKPOINT: Before going inside we had to go through security. Think of it like airport security where you have to take everything out of your pockets, your things go through an x ray machine, and you walk through a metal detector. I wasn't able to take my lipstick inside so had to throw it away.

COURTYARD: Once complete we walked to the courtyard. Here there are benches for you to wait in the shade. When you get here you should check in with the person at the podium. He will mark you as being present and will tell you when your name is called. He said we are not called necessarily in order by number but rather in groups for our visa type so to not be worried if we are not called in order.

INSIDE THE BUILDING: Luckily we didn't have to wait more than a couple of minutes as he called in non-tourists visas. Once inside we were instructed to go to the back. It is a long room with 14 service windows. Windows 1-10 were specifically for non-immigrant visas excluding the K-1 visa. Windows 11-14 and room 15 were for immigrant visas including the K-1 visa. The section for non-immigrant visas was 2 lines. On the other hand, the section for immigrant visas had chairs for us to sit down and wait to be called.

INTERVIEW WINDOWS 1: We noticed that windows 11 and 12 called you up to review your documents you had with you. They gave us a sheet before we went in and asked us to put the documents in order: passport, medical envelope, his military paperwork, and all his documents he had to gather. I also included additional financial documents in case they asked for it. We had to wait a while before my partner's number was called. While you wait you could hear everyone's outcome since the windows are right there. You heard when they got it and you heard when they were denied. You were able to see the interview styles of the two consular officers. One was more stern than the other, the other was more friendly. What you didn't see was what was happening behind window 15 because it was located behind a door. I caught a glimpse the few times it opened and noticed it had a much lower interview window and chairs. Here you would sit down instead of stand for the interview. While you wait, they had bathrooms and water available. Also be warned, it can get loud in there with all the people talking and children crying or running around.

INTERVIEW WINDOWS 2: After waiting we were finally called. We got window 15, the little room. I was very happy to be in the room because it was much quieter. At this point there was a child outside that was being loud so i would have had trouble concentrating. This room felt intimate. Here we were welcomed by a male that was reviewing our documents. I noticed he had the documents I mailed in as part of the I-129F. He began conducting his interview in Spanish:
1. Why are you here?
2. When did you meet?
3. How did you meet?
4. How long have you been together?
5. Where does she live?
6. Where did you propose?
7. Have you ever had a US visa?
8. When would you like to travel to the US?
9. What do you like about your fiance?
10. He then asked me the same question: What I like about my fiance?
11. He then asked me: How many times have you visited Peru since you have been together?

While he was asking questions he was mostly looking down at the pictures I submitted with the I-129F. He flipped through the pictures then would look at us then back at the pictures and sometimes back at this computer. Finally he put everything down and told us "Felicitaciones, su visa fue aprobado!" which was music to our ears. He told us my partner would get an email in one week's time with instructions on retrieving his passport with visa stamp and he would have until July 18 to enter the U.S.

Overall it was a good experience. Next time I wouldn't come so early just early enough to make my time (15 minutes before should be fine). I also would have brought a snack to eat in line outside.

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