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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #32314

Nigeria Review on July 31, 2023:

Mr Paka

Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview process was a smooth sail I must say.
I arrived at 5am and found a cool parking spot which 1 of the boys around spotted for me.
went to the waiting spot for applicants and stood there for over an hour before 6am applicants were called to queue up.
got it, was screened and given the number 16. went into the interview room and was screened again by a Nigerian where she collected the documents I was asked to come with by NVC. was asked to sit back and wait to hear my number called by a CO.
CO calls me about 2hrs later and starts the interview by asking me to raise my right hand and take the oath. after that, the interview began.
who is petitioning for you,
and what's her name?
what city does she live in?
and what kind of house is it?
how did ya'll meet?
when did you get married?
how many times have you both seen in your country.
where else have you both met?
do I have a criminal record or my spouse?
Gave me a form and instructions on how to collect my passport.
Wait! have you been married before?
how about your wife?
okay you kian go.

Do note that this interview process only lasted 2MINUTES and I must say they had already made their decision about my case from the onset due to God's good grace. upon me. Direct questions were thrown at me and as such, I gave direct answers.

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