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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #3022

Belgium Review on June 17, 2008:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

by the time i arrived at the embassy 2 security guys had allready asked what i came to do, it's like you're not allowed into the neighberhood unless you're going - invited- to the US embassy.
so, by the time i arrive there are about 10 people (all USC) waiting in front of me. about 15 min before 2 (my appointment was at 2) they start letting people in. they scan and handcheck every bag what takes forever. they take away my cell, bottle of water, lipgloss and foundation. my mp3 they dont take, but i guess that's just due to bad scanning of my bag on there part. around that time there's a group of about 30 people arriving, so i'm all happy i got there before them.
so i got inside, where i hand my stuff to the (belgian) lady behind window number 1. i go back to sit and wait. i the meantime the whole group starts to enter too(i found out later it was the royal flemish ballet). so i wait and wait and wait. then the consular comes into the waiting area and says they're gonna do the ballet group before they do immigrant visa's (there goes my wishfull thinking). in the meanwhile i go back to the lady behind window 1 to give her proof of payment (forgot to give her that).
at 3.30 they're finally done with the ballet. i get called at window 3, where the consular sits. he does 2 things on his computer, says soemthing to the lady who took my papers, and tells me i'll have to go back to window 1. so, back to window 1 for (all 10) fingerprints, then back to window 3 for my left index finger print. then he says 'so, you have an american fiance? does he live in belgium or the US?'. he asks how we met and what my fiancee's doing (as the affadavit is more or less empty). he then looks at the co-sponsor's affadavit and says he doesnt see any problem's. they cant print the visa right away, but i can pick my visa up in 3 days or so(normally 2 but they're closed tomorrow, due to the strike). they'll give me a call when it's ready.
i go outside, pick up the stuf i left behind at security, and leave the building. the security guy comes running behind me, they need me for something. me, very curious what soemthing could be (hoping they could print my visa right away), go back to the consular (again leaving all my stuff behind at security). turns out he forgot to have me sign the DS156 and DS156K forms. so, i sign them, go back through security, turn my cell back on and start calling.

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