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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #28727

Sydney, Australia Review on October 28, 2020:

Ross Watkins

Review Topic: K1 Visa

The interview process was exactly as the previous reviews. Line up at security, not to long to wait, go down and wash your hands, turn off your phone and smart watch. You are given a blue satchell to put your small belongings such as phone, keys, watch etc. you are directed to a desk to have your docs checked and placed in a clear envelope and handed back to you. You head through the metal detector (same as airport security) You are guided to elevator and a security officer presses the button. You leave the elevator, turn right, go through a very heavy door. Once in the ‘inner’ sanctum you take a number and seat. Once called up, you hand over the docs, finger prints are taken, you then take a seat to wait for the interview. The interview is conducted through the glass petition similar to the bank tellers. Providing all your docs are in order and the affidavit of support is sufficient, the actual interview is a breeze. You just need to be truthful about your relationship, family etc. I found the consulate and security staff polite, respectful and helpful. They certainly took the anxiety of the interview away. Thank you to the staff at the Sydney consulate. 👍😊

(updated on October 28, 2020)

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