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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #24064

Guyana Review on June 22, 2018:



Review Topic: K1 Visa

Since Cuban citizens are being processed at the U.S. Embassy in Georgetown, we travelled there for the K1 interview. It was overall a good experience despite being far from home in an unusual situation with 3rd country processing. We arrived at the embassy two hours before our interview and immediately gave our passports to an official attending the Cubans outside of the building. They gave us back the passports, the Cuban passport with a sticker with a barcode, and we returned to wait in line. Promptly we started entering the building and going through security. This process was all very organized, although those with briefcases and large purses had more trouble organizing their things to get through. Inside the embassy, they called by name beneficiaries to the window to turn in all documents and take fingerprints. After that, we returned to wait until called to another window for the interview. The interview was conducted in both Spanish and English, although the officer did not seem fluent in Spanish and misunderstood the answers. He kept repeating the questions and we had to repeat the answers several times, so I started translating everything to English. After asking us some stock fiance interview questions, the officer shut off the mic and had a conference with 4 other officials. They spoke for several minutes behind the window while we waited. Their conference ended, and the officer notified us that our visa was approved. Overall the experience was smooth but the interview was somewhat tense.

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