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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #14546

Montreal, Canada Review on May 30, 2014:

ricky and elaine

Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I am happy to say we were approved today in Montreal. I am more than relieved!

Went to Montreal yesterday. Stayed at a lovely hotel call Le Dauphin on Rue Bleury. A 3 minute walk to the Consulate. Small boutique hotel with full breakfast $136. ($20 for parking)2 block walk! Bought the room off internet to get the rate.

Now the stuff you really want to hear. Please remember I am the biggest worry wart EVER!

Arrived at Consulate 7am, 2nd in line. Doors open at 7:30. Then someone told me you can only arrive 20 minutes before your appointment. Mine was for 8:30. So I let a woman doing a K1 Interview in front of me. Then I saw VJ members Blair and Chris! Amazing that I actually recognized them. We had a lovely chat and basically went thru all the steps minutes apart.

They let you in at 7:30 a couple or person at a time, go thru security (very thorough) (note people were told they cannot bring in phones, bags etc, I had left my stuff at the hotel) Then down the stairs to a waiting room. Of course sit near the elevator as per Saylins instructions and guide. At exactly 8am the guard comes and lets the first people get on the elevator..up to the 19th floor, out the back door of the elevator...show passport + appointment letter...got card #3..Go sit down with Blair and Chris (#2) Wait approximately 25 minutes till they called #3.

Go up to the window and speak with a lovely, pleasant woman...she asks for the medical packet and then opens it.looks it over (as I am trying to read upside down) then proceeds to ask me for ..1)original birth certificate + copy, 2) original marriage certificate + copy, 3)beneficiary divorce papers + copy 4) petitioners divorce papers (not on packet list but they asked anyway..only had a copy) 5) Original signed OAS plus a copy of the 2013 tax return AND transcript (they took both)(and boy am I glad he filed in March so we would have it) 6)Criminal Check + copy (I had 2 one from December without fingerprints and a new one done last week with fingerprints..they took both) The woman entered many items on the computer, scanned my fingerprints, took our change of address, and handed me a pamphlet on spousal abuse, human trafficking to read..told me to sit down and wait for my number to be called again. (whew lived thru that part)

Another 20 minutes and my number is called to go to a different window. A pleasant man. He asked me to read aloud from a printed page that I was telling the truth etc (oath). he had me put the fingers of my right hand on a biometric scanner. He asked how we met...at which point I pulled out our pictures from 47 years ago and proceeded to tell the saga. He then asked when I had seen him last and I told him I had just spent (4 months)in the US and missed the winter in Canada totally. I had a list of all visits as there had been many over 2 years. I told him there were 2 mistakes on the DS260 but he said "don't worry"! When he said "don't worry" I stopped worrying! Then he asked a couple of questions as I had been arrested once but there was no record of it even with the "Freedom of Information Act". He told me to keep the letters I had showing "no record of arrest" for the future when ever I cross the border. He kept the police checks. I offered more evidence but he didn't want to see it. He was very friendly and I had him smiling...he said our story was unique! He handed me the "Welcome to the USA page" at that point I heard nothing he said like I was in a fishbowl and getting tears in my eyes...I could see his mouth moving though..I looked at him and said so sincerely "if I could hug you I would" and I held my arms out to the glass in gesture of a hug. He said "virtual hug" and laughed. It took 1 Hr and 20 mins from entering the building.

13 months from filing of 1-130. I walk out onto the street in a daze. Went back to the hotel packed my stuff, texted my hubby and drove home to Peterborough to put my house on the market. It was also very comforting to have VJ members Blair and Chris there with me. We were actually joking..everyone else seemed so serious.

I really don't know how I would have made it without all the VJ people. The help and tips and directions were fantastic. You extra special people on here know who you are! You are always helping people and have the patience to answer the same questions over and over and create the short-cuts and give accurate advise. Thank you so much! Good luck to all..Will keep you posted on the next steps. I may sleep tonight for the first time in weeks! ZzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzz

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