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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #13156

Review on November 1, 2013:

M and C

M and C

Review Topic: K1 Visa

Ms. Darling of the US Consulate in Nassau was our contact person for my K1 interview. It was easy to communicate with her through email as I lived on another island. She was very accommodating to all my questions. My fiance planned to go with me during the interview, and when the Consulate advised that it would be better if he did, we were encouraged to go ahead with our plan.

From Freeport we went to Nassau a day before the interview. Our hotel was walking distance so getting caught up in traffic wasn't a problem. Nassau has very bad traffic. That night we reviewed possible questions that might be asked during the interview.

Our interview was scheduled on June 11, 2013 at 11am and we headed to the Consulate at 10am and stopped by nearby McDonald's for breakfast. After eating, we went to the Consulate and informed the guard that we were there for an appointment for a K1 visa interview. There were two security checks after the main gate. They informed Ms. Darling and were told to take our seats in the general waiting area with all other people applying for different kinds of visas.

We really didn't time how long we waited (my fiance and I decided it was best to pray while waiting), but maybe after half an hour we were finally called to a certain window. We brought a ring binder full of evidences of our relationship -- boarding passes, pictures, email and Facebook messages, Skype logs, wedding preparation plans (inquiries to vendors are okay), etc. The IO asked my fiance to take a seat first and went on to ask me questions like:
1. How did you meet?
2. How many time did you meet before this interview?
3. What does he do for a living? Where does he work?
4. Where does your fiance live? Have you met his parents?
5. What kind of work do you do? Do you intend to work in the US? -- I thought that was a trick question, so I answered -- "Not yet, will look for work once I get an employment authorization." To which the IO agreed.
6. When are you getting married?

I think there were still a few more questions but I forgot them already. Overall the questions weren't really hard. I mean, if relationship is real and both parties know a considerable amount of information about each other, answering the interview questions shouldn't be too hard. Plus the IO was very nice and made an effort to make me comfortable during the interview. He didn't even look at the binder of evidences we brought for the interview. I was then asked to take a seat and my fiance was asked to approach the window.

My fiance was asked basically the same questions. After he finished, I was called back to the window again and we were told that our application has been approved. (In my mind I was shouting, "Praise God! Thank You Lord for the favor!). We were asked if we prefer to pick up my passport with the visa after two days, or have it sent to Freeport by FedEx. We opted for the second choice since we had to go back to Freeport that afternoon. The interview was on a Tuesday, Friday of the same week I got my passport with my K1 visa.

Overall, we had a very good experience. While the IO asked a handful of questions, the interview felt like it was a casual conversation. My fiance and I came out of the Consulate very happy of the result.

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