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Miami US Port of Entry Reviews

The Reviews below are actual experiences by members of the VisaJourney community and provide insight into the many Ports of Entry in the US. If you are a member and would like to submit a review please follow one of the links below. To find reviews please make a selection from one of the pull down tabs and click "Find Entries".

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Miami US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
168 Review(s)
Miami Review #16989. Entry: 2019-02-06



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very friendly and even joked around with us. Took a bit of a while because we came in late at night, right around the time of an influx of other Latin American flights

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Miami Review #17008. Entry: 2019-02-02




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Taken to secondary inspections. The officer was very rude and even asked me why I was in a wheelchair (I have a brain tumor)

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Miami Review #16843. Entry: 2018-11-07




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My husband (new US resident previously undocumented in the USA) and I entered together and the Miami airport. After I scanned my passport and got my slip a very helpful official pointed us into the right direction to start the incoming process for my husband.( non citizen/resident line) We picked a ... read complete review

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Miami Review #16733. Entry: 2018-10-19

Amanda and Camila


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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Very easy entry! Fiancee gave herself 5-6 hours before her connecting flight to be sure she wouldn't be late, but she was able to get through customs in about twenty minutes.

Simple process, officer simply asked where she would be staying in the US before reminding her to be married ... read complete review

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Miami Review #16631. Entry: 2018-06-05




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My husband presented his Visa and packet to the immigration officer and he was immediately told to step aside and was sent into a room with many others. Luckily it only took about 15 minutes for him to be called back up. The officer asked him several questions, such as how long we've been married, w... read complete review

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