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Miami US Port of Entry Reviews

The Reviews below are actual experiences by members of the VisaJourney community and provide insight into the many Ports of Entry in the US. If you are a member and would like to submit a review please follow one of the links below. To find reviews please make a selection from one of the pull down tabs and click "Find Entries".

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Miami US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
168 Review(s)
Miami Review #16201. Entry: 2016-08-28




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Miami Review #16186. Entry: 2016-08-10



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

The process is extremely long, took about 3.5 hours to process him and others that came with visa. They asked him 3 or 4 questions in regards to his reason for entering the US and the wedding date. My fiance experienced a little bit of harassment, was told not to think too hard because it usually me... read complete review

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Miami Review #16129. Entry: 2016-04-28




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Arrived in Miami....took almost 2 hours to go through the customs and immigration process here. Unfortunately, we missed our connecting flight to Chicago and arrived at our final destination about 8 hours later than we wanted to. Other than that, everything else turned out OK.

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Miami Review #16124. Entry: 2016-04-24




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I arrived in Miami airport with my USC fiance on Sunday 24th April around 4.30pm.

Once in the immigration hall, we weren't sure of which line to join because of the visa. We asked two different ladies who were helping direct people to the correct line - one told us to join the US citi... read complete review

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Miami Review #16120. Entry: 2016-04-15



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I got to Miami Airport at 6:15pm i walked into the visitor lanes I was the second in line in one of the Immigration officers booth. the officer reviewed my passport and he asked me if i got in trouble with police before i told him yes for driving without a valid license then he got my fingerprints a... read complete review

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