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About monnik

  • Birthday 08/15/1918

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    www.sparealife.org<br />www.lazyenvironmentalist.com<br />www.freerice.com

Immigration Info

  • Immigration Status
    IR-1/CR-1 Visa (DCF)
  • Place benefits filed at
    Local Office
  • Country
  • Our Story
    We met, by accident, in a chat room, on his birthday. Of course, I thought the "today is my birthday" line was just that: a line! But, he didn't try to hit on me or show me his *ahem* body.
    We chatted as friends for several weeks. I was interested in his country and his huge family. He had never practiced his English before, and was eager to talk and practice with me every day.
    About 6 months into our chats, I started to back away from our friendship. Things started getting intense and moving too fast for me. I was pessimistic about our chances of being together. I stopped talking to him for 4 months. I think it almost killed him.
    I constantly missed his kindness and concern, but I wasn't sure I would ever have the privelige of having him in my life again. Especially since I was sure that he would flat out reject me if I tried to contact him.
    Guess what! He rejected me! He made me feel like crap for weeks, but I deserved it. He was too scared to love me. I was happy that he was willing to be my friend again. It took me 5 months to show him that, at my core, I hadn't changed and that he was important to me.
    Upon seeing eachother for the first time, after a year and a half, we cried for days. I was so sick with guilt for the way I had hurt him. And he was so hesitant to accept me again. We were both so relieved to meet in person. We knew we couldn't be apart.
    We got married and started this (visa) part of our life together. This immigration deal has been more stressful than we could have imagined.
    But, there are more important things than his visa. We are lucky to finally have eachother. We are grateful for the invisible hand that scooted us onto the same path. I am lucky he gave me a second chance,and I will never be anything less than astonished at his love and forgiveness.
    I adore my husband.

Immigration Timeline & Photos

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