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San Diego US Port of Entry Reviews

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San Diego US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.9 / 5
16 Review(s)
San Diego Review #17239. Entry: 20210710




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

by land via TIJUANA CBX. very nice officials, was there like 20 minutes and they only stamped my passport and ask me if i knew mi inmigrant rights.

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San Diego Review #16702. Entry: 2018-08-02



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My wife traveled alone and she had a good experience at her POE. She was texting me while she was in-line and observing the woman in front of her get denied entry because she stayed in China too long and the officer told her to "pick a country". When it was her turn, they asked for our USA address and that was it. She said the officers were friendly.

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San Diego Review #16655. Entry: 2018-07-12




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Arrived at 18:55 and got out of the airport at approx 20:15

Took BA273 (LHR- SAN), as the only international flight arriving that day the process was faster than anticipated.
Cleared immigration and was asked what's the purpose of my visit. I then said I'm here on a k1 to marry my fiance.

He then too a photo and was escorted to a secondary room whilst being asked to wait.

One family was there when i arrived so was told to wait.

I then was called, was asked how did I know Jerome and how often have we've seen or been with each other.
I then explained that due to my job pretty much every week (approx) I get to be in San Diego.
The officer then asked me for some pictures if I have any ( I brought the photo album that we created for the interview but was not asked for it, pheww!)
That was it, she just explained to me that once we're married we need to apply or adjust the status ourselves as it is not done automatically.

Pretty smooth and painless process.

Goodluck to all lovely couples going through the same process

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San Diego Review #16245. Entry: 2016-09-06




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Topic: Port of Entry Review

No harassment at all. Very friendly officer wished me luck on my AOS journey.

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San Diego Review #16063. Entry: 2016-01-12



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Flew in with the only direct flight from Heathrow and landed in San Diego 30 mins before expected time. Once off from the plane walked towards the always so long queue. I had my passport and envolope in hand so I will be prepared without delaying the process any further (I was also pretty tired and wanted to get it over with lol). While waiting in line a lady that helps around there with passports, visas and such came up to me and asked me what type of visa do I have. I told her I'm on an IV, CR-1 type. Then she took me out from the long line and put in another line where it happened that me to be the only one waiting. The officer came to his desk and called me forward. I showed him the envelope and the passport and he was: "ohhh, ok.. now this is another procedure". He took my finger prints and walked me to the waiting area. He went into the office with my documents and said that his colleague will review the papers and let me know what he decides. Honestly, I had to wait quite a while, cause there were other people there waiting with different visa type. If I'm not wrong I waited for 40 mins until the other officer came out and called my name. He invited me into the office because he needed more information. I was a bit scared cause I mean at that point, they literally had all the information and wasn't sure what else could I provide. Fortunately, he only needed the City and Zip code at my new address lol. Then he had me signing a paper (not sure what it was, I assume it was for the Green Card) and then he took my finger prints again, with black ink.
The person was actually really nice and friendly and it only took me about 7-10 mins of being in his office. At the end he stamped my passport and told me it is a temporary Green Card good for 1 year. He also said that I should be receiving my GC between 3 to 6 months and if I don't then I should contact USCIS. Then he told me he only needs to make a copy of my passport and after I'm good to go And that was it! I landed at 4:30 pm and was out of the airport at 5:40, giving my hubby a big big hug <3
Overall, the experience was really good, people were friendly and helpful

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