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Raleigh-Durham US Port of Entry Reviews

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Raleigh-Durham US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.8 / 5
4 Review(s)
Raleigh-Durham Review #15537. Entry: 2013-10-17



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Flight landed at Raleigh-Durham International Airport at 14:50.
There was a long queue so it took me around 2 hours to get done but the actual procedure lasted for only about 25 minutes.
I went to the immigration counter, the lady asked me what was the purpose of my visit? I told her I... read complete review

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Raleigh-Durham Review #15462. Entry: 2013-04-02



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Aside from having to wait until all 300+ other passengers from the flight had been processed at immigration it was an easy entry. Had to fill a form in and sign and finger print it. They didn't want my x-rays. The supervisor processed me and recognised me after being given a hard time during my othe... read complete review

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Raleigh-Durham Review #15121. Entry: 2011-12-14



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

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Raleigh-Durham Review #14956. Entry: 2011-03-03



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

I have entered into RDU many times before under both the VWP and on my F1 Visa with no problems at all. It was always fast, effiecient with friendly guys.

However, on this trip I was entering under VWP howver when I told the officer I was 'visiting my husband' he questioned me a bit. ... read complete review

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