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Romania US Consulate Reviews

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Romania US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
159 Review(s)
Bucharest, Romania
Review #32737 on November 28, 2023:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

The interview appointment lasted around 20-40 minutes as the lady clerks had every applicant came up front and hand over the documents for consular review.

After document handling I had waited around 6-7 minutes until the lady consul called me over for the interview. There were hardly any questions received, as the consul just made notes about the case (how did we meet, if he visited Romania and where are we going to live together).

I had a 1-year J-1 intenship with home presence requirement for which I had obtained a waiver in advance. The consul was pleased, almost surprised I had this document.

She then shortly after said she was convinced by the evidence and intends to approve. Took my passport and wished me a pleasant journey!

The worst part came with delivery as the Embassy recently changed from FedEx to local FAN Courier. The Embassy provided the new courier with my passport the next day and issued me a tracking number. I had no movement on it for about 2-3 days, not even scanned in the system as received. I had to contact the third party firm which deals with expeditions to make it urgent as I was leaving to the US in a few days and got it right after the weekend. Better to send it to a Fan Courier location for pick-up or if in Bucharest, just request to pick it up yourself from the Embassy.

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Bucharest, Romania
Review #32002 on April 19, 2023:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I spent about 1h15 at the embassy. Everything was very well organized and efficient. We were only 3 people at the time of my interview. People were very nice and gave clear instructions every step of the way. The interview itself was less than 15 min.

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Bucharest, Romania
Review #31629 on December 6, 2022:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Only interviewee can enter, others have to wait outside. Total time in and out was about 1 hour since there were about 5 others ahead in line. Interview itself took about 10 minutes, roughly 20 questions.

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Bucharest, Romania
Review #31070 on May 21, 2022:




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Review Topic: General Review

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Bucharest, Romania
Review #29819 on July 7, 2021:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The staff is really helpful and the interview was smooth and fast! Amazing experience!

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