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Dominican Rep US Consulate Reviews

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Dominican Rep US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
665 Review(s)
Dominican Republic
Review #458 on March 7, 2006:




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Review Topic: General Review

This is my only experience with the immigration process. My husband's K3/4 petition has been sitting in Santo Domingo since August 12, 2005. An acquaintance of ours, who lives there, received an appointment for a visitor's visa interview within one week of his phone call and received his visa. This happened last week. I don't think it makes sense to put the K1 and K3 category in line with all others since this is suppposed to be an expedited process. It's frustrating. My husband is up to number 14,000+.

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Dominican Republic
Review #418 on February 15, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The consulate only asked us 2 questions,when we met and where. It was a simple interview

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Dominican Republic
Review #369 on January 20, 2006:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I'm very dissapointed at the Embassy in Dominican Republic. I submitted my K-1 visa application in July, it only took Vermont 26 days to process it, and as of August 18, 2005 I have been on that monstrous waiting list waiting for an interview. What's even worst, I call and they anticipate an interview sometime in August - October (oh what great I've been given hope!). Before it only used to take approx. 3-6 months....

Now' it's ridiculous, over a year? For a visa?? To think that when my fiance comes here, then we are going to get married and start the adjustment of status process which will take another year or two....

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Dominican Republic
Review #290 on December 5, 2005:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I noticed that since Sept of 2005, K1 visa cases are taking 6 to 13 months to get an appointment. I called the consulate and spoke with a very nice lady. She informed me that since Feb. 2005, all K1 cases are being placed in the Waiting list ( that is over 23,000 cases long) . The consulate is only processing about 3,000 cases or each month. Before Feb. 2005, K1 appoints took only 2-5 months. I'm a naturalized US citizen from the Dominican Republic. The worse part is that a Dominican Republic citizen can request a visitor visa and get the appointment within 2 to 3 months . Meanwhile I'm a US citizen paying thousands of dollars each year to dear uncle sammy and I have to wait 6 to 13 months to marry my beautiful girl . The so call reason behind the long delay of k1 visas is that it takes longer to review a k1 application and not so long for a Dominican Republic citizen visitor visa. I don't see the logic here . first, a k1 beneficiary will be married and living in the US at the address provided by the applicant with a financial backing and guarantee. While a visitor does not have to provide any kind of affidavit and can become an illegal in the us easier than a k1 beneficiary. Us citizen's K1 applications should take priority in this matter.

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Dominican Republic
Review #227 on November 8, 2005:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We had to wait over 6 hours but, once we finally appeared in front of the "drive through" window for our interview we were treated with respect and courtesy. We were at the consulate from 5 a.m. until 4 p.m. They only asked us a few simple questions regarding where we met and how long we had known each other. We received finally awarded our VISA late in the afternoon!

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