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Detroit MI USCIS Office Reviews

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Detroit MI USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
130 Review(s)
Detroit MI Review #31489 on October 17, 2022:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

It was smooth and easy. I prepared for it but I’m glad that the IO only asked the basic bio questions and didn’t asked for any documents aside from our child’s birth certificate and some documents that I handed to her.

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Detroit MI Review #30937 on April 7, 2022:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

We had our interview almost 7 months ago. Towards end of the interview she stated we were approved and we had 10 days to receive our green card. Last min as a gay couple she stated that we should have joint bank accounts which is acceptable but also stated that we need to have a baby together to prove our relationship. This is obliviously not in the cards as we are two men. Then she gave us a sheet that stated that she needed further review. We have yet to receive any request for further evidence or any other guidance from the office. I do feel that this was targeted at us for 1. Being a same sex couple and 2. That we stated that we dont plan on having kids. This is just crazy to me that this office can so blaintly be homophobic and make such statements.

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Detroit MI Review #30520 on December 19, 2021:

Osiris Ramirez


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interview lasted about 30 min. The agent was super nice, trying to make us feel less nervous and balancing the seriousness of the questions and forms with some funny jokes and comments. He asked us about our story, then some basic personal information and at the end went through the questions on the form I485. He told us he had nothing to be suspicious about and approved us in the spot. I'm getting a conditional green card since we've been married less than 2 years so he explained what he needed to do to renew it and that was it.

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Detroit MI Review #30108 on September 11, 2021:




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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The whole interview process was very easy and pleasing.
The lady that interviewed us was very nice and positive.
The interview lasted about 15 minutes and she said if we were approved we could check online to see if the status updated (which it did next day)
Detroit, MI processed our case very fast.

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Detroit MI Review #30044 on August 23, 2021:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Overall the interview was very very smooth, even though our officer was a bit chatty haha. But that made me feel more relaxed. We walked in about 15 minutes before our appointment (they wouldn't let you in more than 15 minutes before your appointment) and went through a very smooth airport style security. It took about 10 minutes for security because there was quite a bit of people there and some people with interpreters just needed a bit of extra time. After we went through security we handed an officer our interview notice and IDs and they checked us in and instructed us to seat in a big waiting area. Immediately after we sat down another officer came through some doors and called my name. We followed him to his office and he asked us to stand for a bit while he asked us our names and for our IDs. He swore us in and then asked us to seat. He immediately went into what the next steps after this interview was (which made me feel good because I had a feeling he had a good impression of ... read complete review

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