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Dominican Rep US Consulate Reviews

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Dominican Rep US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
665 Review(s)
Review #1488 on April 12, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I sent my I130 for my husband to Vermont on 06/26/06 and I haven't received nothing yet, he live in the Dominican Republic...

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Dominican Republic
Review #1178 on January 8, 2007:




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Review Topic: General Review

If you or a loved one is waiting for a visa and you have to check a website for updates on appointments list or waiting list (example: the dominican republic waiting list), then you can use http://www.ChangeDetection.com/ for free to receive an email the same day the webpage changes.

The following example is for the waiting list page for the US Embassy in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Go to http://www.changedetection.com/detect.html?url=
Enter the URL of the webpage to monitor (US Embassy in Santo Domingo scheduled appointments example: http://www.usemb.gov.do/Consular/scheduled_appointments.htm )
Enter your email address
Click Next
Check your email account for the validation code
Enter the validation code in the Activate Page Mo... read complete review

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Dominican Republic
Review #1177 on January 8, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Yes, the wait is very frustrating. My fiancée got her visa after 18 months of waiting.
Apparently the consulate is working on a new and improved building with better equipment and even more employees.
But the long wait is not entirely the fault of the US Embassy. You have to consider that the MAJORITY of the visa applicants are MORONS who in most cases have never even left the country, never traveled and grew up in one of the most disorganized societies I have ever seen. Trust me, I grew up in the Dominican Republic. I love the country, not so much the turmoil. Noticed I said MAJORITY, not everybody

That is why I'm writing this, to help you be well informed.

The consulate papers arrive about 1 week after the interview date appears on their list. http://www.usemb.gov.do/Consular/scheduled_appointments.htm
Make sure that if her address changes she calls the cons... read complete review

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Dominican Republic
Review #1086 on December 6, 2006:




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Review Topic: General Review

I have had much experience w the consulate in santo domingo. A k-1 visa in 2002, a replaced passport in 2003, a k-1 visa application in 2004 (on which I did not follow through.) I am now doing a k-1 visa. So I have an idea of how service has deteriorated over the past few years. The 1st visa was processed from beginning to end in 4 months (my fiance returned.) The second one in 2004 was 9 months from petition to interview (fiance had child custody dispute w ex, abandoned process), now it is a prospective 1-2 year wait.

Actual service in the consulate, well its like the dmv from hell. Take a number, get in line, find out you were told to get in the wrong line, sit down until we call for you ect, ect...

staff are generally pleasant, but the process is designed to frustrate

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Dominican Republic
Review #984 on November 1, 2006:

domini loka

Domini loka


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Review Topic: K3 Visa

I hate them....unprofessional and unorganized!!

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