Bahamas US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4
/ 5
32 Review(s)
Amsterdam, Netherlands | Review #23682 on April 24, 2018: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: E-2 Visa
(updated on May 1, 2019)
| Review #22423 on August 30, 2017: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing
On August 29 2017 I arrived to the Embassy at 7:40am for an 8:00am interview. Upon my arrival I informed the representative of my appointment and she asked me to have a seat on the bench. About five minutes later she came to me and asked to see my passport and checked it against the names that were on the list. Afterwards she then directed me to go inside, I then went through the security checkpoint (please remember no electronics and for the ladies no makeup). I then went out the door and went through another security checkpoint and told him why I was there and was instructed to have a seat. (You do not join the line as the regular non immigrant applicants). While sitting down about 5 other persons came for immigrant visa interview. At 8:20am Ms. Darling called me to the window and asked for my original documents (passport, birth certificate and police record) and then told me to have a seat until called by the CO. At about 9:10 am the CO called me to the window where I was asked ... read complete review
| Review #22381 on August 22, 2017: |
Pebbles & BamBam

· 2 people found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Ms. Darling was overly accommodating to ensure that he didn't have to make two trips from Harbor Island to Nassau for his medical and interview. She made it happen so that he did both on the same day and save us a bunch of money.
| Review #21673 on April 13, 2017: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Rating only
Bangladesh | Review #21671 on April 13, 2017: |
Jessica Smith

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: General Review
After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we starte... read complete review
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