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Status Updates posted by digital82

  1. Wifes Interview was good here is the link where i posted some info...


  2. my Wife's birth certificate was in gujarati and it was laminated... they accepted it... but she also had extra birth certificate made that were in english that were issued from the same place as gujarati one... same stamp... so i sent in the gujarati and english both of them together...

  3. Regarding PCC... what i noticed is every officer and place has its own rule...

    if the agent says bar coded page will do the job... try to get it that way... if not then u will have to wait for PCC... in my case RFE was necessary otherwise they wont issue PCC...

  4. If local police station says that NVC letter is required then it is required u cannot do anything about it... 1 thing u can do is as soon as ur pay the VISA fees and send in ur forms whatever u have.. that way they will issue a quick RFE... and u can get that PCC...

  5. after submitting at AMD they will send ur PCC back by mail with ur passport....

  6. Hi Hitu...

    If u have already gotten an RFE about PCC thats good...

    now ask ur spouse to submit that RFE to the local police station... they will give ur wife local PCC usually take about 1 week but if u know someone u can get it same day...

    after ur local pcc u will need to go AMD to get ur origianl passport clearance... they u will submit ur local pcc and passport...

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