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Sara khan

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    Sara khan reacted to goodyearr in VAWA Part 2   
    Hi everyone! Im new here.I've been reading all your post all the time here.I just have a question , My vawa was approved last year.Now, I am fillin for adjusting my status.I had my BIO taken last dec 12 and dec. 19 my case was transferred to another office for processing.I'm still waiting for my ead.My passport will expire on april.My question is, Do i need my passport for my green card interview?It will take me 3 months to renew my passport and I/m very worried If i will renew my passport they will schedule me for my interview.I'm worried also if I don't renew my passport they might schedule the interview and my passport is expired.ANy suggestions? Thank you very much!
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    Sara khan reacted to My-joy in VAWA   
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    Sara khan reacted to anonymous09 in VAWA   
    is anyone else having trouble in checking their status today or is the uscis site just not working for me ?
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